Home » Valley has a great wealth of waterfowl

Valley has a great wealth of waterfowl

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Valley has a great wealth of waterfowl

Due to its characteristic of being a region that has 2,595 hectares of wetlands distributed along the geographic valley of the Cauca River, Valle del Cauca is a department with a massive presence of aquatic and migratory birds.

According to the Neotropical censuses of waterfowl carried out by organizations such as Calidris, around 70 species of waterfowl inhabit these vital ecosystems.

During these censuses, fifteen wetlands have been visited in the geographic valley of the Cauca River where waterfowl that can be observed in Madreviejas, swamps, lagoons, lakes, and flood-prone areas are recorded.

In this process, the local knowledge of the inhabitants of these ecosystems is important, as they enrich this counting work with their stories and knowledge.

In addition, it allows to further strengthen the importance of waterfowl as important indicators of wetlands.

There are many spaces that Valle del Cauca has, in vital spaces such as the Sonso lagoon, the Calima lake itself or wetlands that are preserved in farms around this region.


In Valle del Cauca, species such as the Pato Careto (Spatula discors) have been recorded during these censuses, a species is migratory and remains in the region’s wetlands between September and April.

In places such as Ciat, species of the Scolopacidae family (Patiamarillas, sandpipers, and Becasinas) have been identified, which are shore or beach-dwelling, many have a long and fine beak, and generally have long legs, which are used to search for food between the paddy fields with a small sheet of water.

Fine-billed Calidris (Calidris minutilla), Lesser Yellow-footed Patia (Tringa flavipes) and species with not so frequent records for the geographic valley of the Cauca River, such as the Short-billed Becasina (Limnodromus griseus), can also be observed in the wetlands of the Valley. Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos) and Woodcock (Gallinago sp), the latter is rarely recorded due to its elusive behavior and hides in the vegetation.

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