Home » Wang Weizhong presided over the provincial government executive meeting to unswervingly promote high-quality development to a new level Guangdong Provincial People’s Government Portal

Wang Weizhong presided over the provincial government executive meeting to unswervingly promote high-quality development to a new level Guangdong Provincial People’s Government Portal

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On September 22, Governor Wang Weizhong presided over an executive meeting of the provincial government to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on promoting high-quality development and the spirit of a series of important speeches and important instructions to Guangdong. High-quality development, implementation of the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation, and promotion of digital government construction.

The meeting listened to the report on the comprehensive performance evaluation of high-quality development in our province, and emphasized that all localities and departments should base themselves on the new development stage, implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner, make the strategic fulcrum of the new development pattern practical and strong, and put quality first. 1. The priority of efficiency runs through the work of expanding investment, promoting consumption and stabilizing foreign trade. It is necessary to adhere to the problem orientation, focus on making up for the weak points, speed up the orderly and gradient transfer of industries, promote the high-quality development of the northern ecological development area, and improve the coordinated development level of urban and rural areas. It is necessary to learn from the advanced experience of brother provinces, continue to strengthen ecological protection, consolidate and enhance the regional innovation capability of our province, promote the equalization of basic public services, and continuously improve the satisfaction of the masses. It is necessary to further benchmark the table, improve the comprehensive performance evaluation system for high-quality development in our province, give full play to the role of statistical supervision, strengthen the transformation and application of evaluation results, and guide and promote the high-quality development of our province to a new level.

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The meeting reviewed the administrative measures for the transaction of supplementary cultivated land indicators in our province, emphasizing the need to keep in mind the “bigger of the country”, strictly abide by the red line for the protection of cultivated land and permanent basic farmland, strictly implement the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation in accordance with laws and regulations, and promote the rational allocation of cultivated land resources. Safe and secure economic and social development and lay a solid foundation. It is necessary to take into account fairness and efficiency, strictly implement the management requirements of “three districts and three lines”, and timely solve the demand for supplementary cultivated land indicators for major national and provincial construction projects and people’s livelihood infrastructure. It is necessary to ensure that it is truly in place, strengthen the supervision and management of supplementary farmland index transactions, effectively improve the level of standardization of transactions, and strictly implement the project management and protection of supplementary farmland.

The meeting reviewed the implementation plan for the balanced development of basic capabilities of the digital government in our province, emphasizing that it is necessary to implement the “Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening the Construction of Digital Government”, strengthen overall planning, deepen reform and innovation, and solidly promote the construction of digital government 2.0. To focus on balanced development, the province will “one game” to promote the basic capacity building of digital government, increase support for underdeveloped areas, and speed up the elimination of the “digital divide” between regions. It is necessary to focus on making up for shortcomings, strengthen the support capacity of public platforms, and promote the integration of resources, complementarity of elements, and mutual benefit and win-win for the construction of digital governments in the Pearl River Delta region and the eastern, western, western and northern Guangdong regions. It is necessary to focus on project reserves, implement whole-process performance management, and effectively improve the efficiency and safety of digital government construction funds. It is necessary to focus on information security, manage and use information and data resources well, strengthen the security management of the whole life cycle, improve the level of technical protection, and effectively build a network security barrier.

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  Illustration: Wang Weizhong presided over the provincial government executive meeting to unswervingly promote high-quality development to a new level

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