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We and the scholars are between love and resentment

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We and the scholars are between love and resentment

Beloved Akki

One time, while I was talking to my friend about the role of scholars and preachers in our contemporary life, which has become as if it passes its wounds and joys away from the influence of the knowledge of scholars and the enthusiasm of preachers and what they can contribute to spreading awareness among us, mobilizing determination, instilling values, generalizing services, strengthening determination, guiding peoples and nations and helping them in What they are floundering in terms of the decline of values, the decline of religious faith, the attack of alienation, and the exacerbation of civilized civilization crises in which others decide positively or negatively, and often succeed in imposing their decisions on our peoples with just some mean aid and penetration of destructive technologies, before reckless policies and globalized decisions that everyone rushes to adopt and implement in demand Desire, not fear and coercion?

My friend shocked me when he said that the matter of his scholars and preachers is really confusing. Sometimes he sees that there are really wise scholars and preachers, and another time he wonders where are the exemplary, active and daring leaders among them? And sometimes he sees that they are in contexts, groups, platforms and institutions, and another time he sees that they are outside of it, especially the influential and determined ones in the affairs of people working on reform in various fields and various means? And one time he sees some of them striving to log in to work and be present in the means of the era, such as websites, platforms, applications, and social media pages, and another time he finds everyone who came and went with his calf but them, and if it happened, then in the presence of a duller than a dull one? Not to mention the extent of their presence in the national associations as all the active social forces, or in the free and responsible global federations and what could be between them in terms of useful coordination and vigilant cooperation?

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My friend added to my shock when he told me that during his extensive reading, he found a book showing him and his readers a list of twenty farewell scholars, and suggesting that they follow one or some of them to be enlightened by his knowledge and motivated by calling him in matters of his religion and his world, and he gives them good tidings that the reward for that is fixed and the benefit is guaranteed, God willing. But according to his opinion, all this list is of the twenty scholars and preachers, including the old and the new, the famous and the obscure, writers, socialites, preachers and orators. He tends to any one of them?, Even those who were familiar with following them in their youth before, today they cannot bear to read them or even listen to them, as if an illusory saturation or an incomprehensible aversion occurred to him, so he began to lead himself by himself and with his old balance?

A truly shocking situation, and I believe that it is not isolated, but is spread in one way or another.. in one way or another, and among groups of people or another, which begs the urgent question of scholars, contemporary preachers, and people: Love or estrangement? And interaction or neglect or communication? Is it really that scholars and preachers no longer have any role in our life, and they have no added or special value to its politicians, intellectuals and artists..who may not care about either knowledge or work, then rather knowledge comes before work or good deeds? And if It was the other way around. The most important question after that will become: What are the objective and subjective reasons that led to such a pathological and dangerous situation for the conditions and youth of the nation.. its religion and its world.. and how can it be addressed and strengthen the bridges of communication and interaction between the leading elites of scholars, preachers and others from the masses of the unaware nation captured?

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When some scholars and preachers are convinced that their role is confined to some marginal fields, or it is imposed on them and they are crammed into it and in the labyrinths of graveyards, roads, haydis, and latrines. Release and abandon the core of their lives?. And when these scholars and preachers are overwhelmed by a lot of caution and caution from daring to speak the truth and crack with advice to the imams of Muslims and their common people?, Or the limited jurisprudence of that due to the weakness of rooting and renewing the discourse and the limited formation, whether in the legal sciences themselves or in the legal sciences without other material and technical sciences that dominate the world. People’s lives and their escalating problems and their chronic and intractable dilemmas result from it. People are with those who will help them in it, regardless of his identity and religion, for his benefit and giving are above it, and the piety of others is for the owner and not for the people?

In addition to that, what we are witnessing today of a frenzied campaign to distort scholars and preachers, and the extension of its limbs and the ferocity and diversity and permanence of its methods, from destroying their symbolism among people.. from mocking and disapproving of jurists.. from harassing preachers and preachers.. from arresting the right of the bold or even the mujtahid. From them.. from the gratuitous and tendentious accusation of extremism and terrorism.. and all of this whose engineers can only help in alienating people from the living religion, for purposes in Jacob’s soul, including the dictatorship of political decision and the deviation of social management.. which results in many of our disasters of heresies and superstitions.. of unemployment and emigration. From monopoly and high prices.. From audacity to the Family Code and its secularization.. Against school curricula and its usurpation.. Against the health system and its depletion of patients.. From the agricultural deficit and what it suffers from water stress and a decline in the production of meat and dates..etc. Of what people’s lives are covered with, and the scholars hardly interfere with it or the preachers influence it except with silence and applied silence?.

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Also, the reality of division, fragmentation, and collectivism to the extent of hateful sectarianism, between the people of one religion and one school of thought in the same country, often transforms groups of scholars and preachers whose differences in opinion, diligence, choices and starting points into sharp and clashing differences between souls, people and groups, so there is no relationship between them or convergence in Nothing.. no relationships, no money.. no cooperation, even on the word alike, so some of them do not strive to respond to others from the class or outside and debate with him with the logic and etiquette of dialogue, except by contradicting him and insulting him, if not betraying him and expiating him?. And all of this produces nothing but aversion and distrust between everyone and everyone, and perhaps something like this makes a list of twenty scholars and farewells, none of which receives acceptance, follow-up and interaction with our friend, but even those who were yesterday find the sweetness of reading them and the vitality of listening to a tape of them from a period of 3 Hours of poor recording, today he does not see them even a written line, and he cannot bear to listen to them even a tape of 3 minutes in high quality?

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