Home » “We don’t understand anything, this is hard and inexplicable”: Mother of Luisra Solano

“We don’t understand anything, this is hard and inexplicable”: Mother of Luisra Solano

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“We don’t understand anything, this is hard and inexplicable”: Mother of Luisra Solano

Syly Solano, mother of Luisra Solano, who traveled to Barranquilla to appear and support her son, stated through tears that they are unaware of the circumstances in which the events occurred, and at this time they are praying for the health of Juan Sebastián Daza, who is also Family’s friend.

“My son was fulfilling some commitments in Barranquilla. We don’t have much information about what happened, everything is uncertain, we can only pray for Juancho that he turns out well from all this. Both families are affected, everything is very difficult, very hard and inexplicable, ”he assured.

She said that Luisra contacted her early this Monday, reminding her that he loved her. He explained that the young man is very familiar, restless and dreamed of a big musical career because he is very dedicated to his profession.

The promise of vallenato is the first of two brothers, and from a very young age he was inclined towards music, his impulse being social networks through videos that he initially recorded playing the guitar. “He is a calm boy, he is not violent and much less would he be capable of attempting the life of another person; We hope that the case will be fully investigated, ”said his mother.

Currently, the young man is known for the musical theme ‘Quiero Enamorarte’, with accordion player Daniel Maestre and also singer ‘Troya’. On the social network Tik Tok the song has been very popular.

As will be remembered, this Monday morning, the vallenato singer stabbed his manager, Juan Sebastián Daza, in an alleged fight that originated after a party in an apartment within the Portal de Miramar residential complex, in the city of Barranquilla.

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Daza received a wound in the abdomen and another in the right arm, for which he was transferred to the Porto Azul Clinic, where he receives medical assistance.

Shortly after the news was released, the case became a trend on social networks, for which the singer responded in one of his comments: “I ask everyone for respect, if you don’t know what really happened, save the comments that both families are praying for Juancho to come out of surgery well…”.

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