Home » We will work hard to make rectifications and rectifications to promote the city’s theme education to achieve greater and better results.

We will work hard to make rectifications and rectifications to promote the city’s theme education to achieve greater and better results.

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The third meeting of the municipal party committee’s theme education leading group and the rectification and rectification work promotion meeting were held

Yesterday morning, the third meeting of the municipal party committee’s theme education leading group and the promotion meeting of rectification and rectification work were held. The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions on thematic education, conveyed and learned the spirit of the Central Theme Education Leading Group’s Implementation of the “Four Lower Grassroots” Exchange Forum and the Sixth Meeting of the Provincial Party Committee’s Theme Education Leading Group, and conscientiously implemented According to the latest deployment requirements of the central and provincial committees, listen to the progress of thematic education, solidly promote rectification and rectification work, and make every effort to promote the city’s thematic education to achieve greater and better results.

Chen Wei, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and leader of the Municipal Party Committee’s Theme Education Leading Group, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhou Weijiang, leader of the Provincial Party Committee’s fourth itinerant supervision group for thematic education, delivered a speech; deputy leaders Gu Wei, Shi Huilong and relevant comrades, as well as municipal leader Shuai Xielang attended the meeting.

Chen Wei pointed out that in recent times, units in various places have closely integrated the in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Zhejiang with thematic education, strengthened the political consciousness of protecting the roots, and created a stable and good development momentum. It has enhanced the people’s livelihood and well-being with a sense of happiness, gathered a strong synergy to strive for excellence, effectively promoted the implementation of various tasks of thematic education, and demonstrated the responsibility and style of “walking ahead and setting an example”.

Chen Wei emphasized that rectification and rectification work is the key to ensuring the effectiveness of thematic education. It is necessary to comprehensively benchmark, focus and gather efforts, earnestly carry out rectification and rectification, truly solve problems, solve real problems, and create a new atmosphere and new behavior of “gratitude and forge ahead, four dares to strive for the first”. It is necessary to integrate into the overall situation and focus on rectification, focusing on development needs, people’s livelihood, and stubborn problems, to ensure that the direction is precise and clear; it is necessary to coordinate and link up the rectification, highlighting the linkage between the top and bottom, the left and right coordination, and the combination of integration and decentralization to ensure orderly advancement; it is necessary to focus on tackling key problems For rectification, we must comprehensively focus on classifying and canceling accounts, fully promote special rectification, and follow up throughout the entire process to ensure that the measures are effective; we must open the door to inquire about rectification, listen deeply to the voices of the masses, actively accept supervision from the masses, strive to satisfy the masses, and ensure The masses can feel it; it is necessary to establish rules and regulations to implement rectification, strengthen drawing inferences from one example, focusing on systematic governance, highlighting typical guidance, and ensuring that both the symptoms and root causes of the problem are addressed.

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Chen Wei emphasized that we must insist on not lowering standards and not letting up on motivation, and continue to learn, think, and practice real skills, increase effectiveness at the “four lower grassroots levels”, show responsibility in taking the lead, and show excellence in doing good things, and educate each subject in the theme We will grasp the work more closely, implement it more practically, and strive to deliver high-scoring answers.

Zhou Weijiang fully affirmed the phased results achieved by the city’s theme education and put forward specific requirements for the next step of work. He emphasized that “Four Grassroots” is a working method and system that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally advocated and practiced. It is necessary to deeply understand its spiritual requirements and connotation, and enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of deepening the practice of “Four Grassroots”. It is necessary to firmly grasp the problem orientation and goal orientation, highlight theoretical learning, deepen investigation and research, strengthen rectification and rectification, focus on adding capabilities and empowerment, and promote the “four grassroots level” to be in-depth, practical and effective. It is necessary to comprehensively align with the benchmark, pay close attention to implementation, persist in using learning to build the soul, use learning to increase wisdom, use learning to rectify the style, use learning to promote cadres, and promote the normalization and institutionalization of the “Four Learnings”. It is necessary to insist on overall planning and good work, strengthen two hands and two promotions, tighten the chain of responsibility, solidly promote the reduction of burdens at the grassroots level, and ensure high quality and comprehensive high quality of thematic education.

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At the meeting, the Office of the Municipal Party Committee’s Theme Education Leading Group reported on the progress of the city’s theme education and compiled and distributed typical cases of rectification and rectification in Jiaxing City; the heads of Tongxiang City, Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, and Pinghu City Danghu Street made exchange speeches, showing the commitment to ensuring high quality thematic education.

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