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What did Shahbaz Sharif do?

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What did Shahbaz Sharif do?

Nawaz Legi also says that the Shahbaz Sharif whom we used to see as the Chief Minister did not appear as the Prime Minister. He further points out that he could have performed only when his elder brother was the prime minister and had his full support. The truth is that Nawaz League supporters are also seen criticizing the Shehbaz government on the electricity bills and petrol prices on social media. There is hardly anyone among them who says that petrol is Rs.1000 per liter and units are Rs. I will vote for Nawaz League even if Rs. The main reason for this is that the voters of Nawaz League belong to the working class. Majority of them do not even claim to be highly educated and intellectual. It does straightforward, straightforward addition and differentiation. When he sees metros and motorways being built, he swells with joy and starts singing the praises of his leader. When the PML-N and the PPP broke the PTI allies by taking advantage of the neutrality of the army, for the first time in the history of the country, a constitutional and parliamentary change was made by the House, then it was understood that Shahbaz Sharif As the magician has come and he will change everything. Many hopes were from Ishaq Dar that Miftah Ismail could not control the dollar, Ishaq Dar will definitely do it, but the dollar also broke all previous records of being expensive.
I personally think that what Shahbaz Sharif has done has not been told and explained to the public. A lot of ramblings are not useful to tell the public, but simple and straightforward things are. The Shahbaz government was giving inflationary fever, so it should have told the people that the bounty they were suffering from earlier was giving certain death from typhoid of default. I found a stupid Muslim Leaguer who was very angry about inflation and saying that it was better to sacrifice politics and save the state than let the country default. He was arguing that with this all our debts would be wiped out and we would emerge as an independent nation. Frankly speaking, this kind of talk comes from Imran Khan’s mouth and affects people with low IQ a lot. For people of this IQ level, it is a community joke that nations become the ones that collide with America, it attacks them, and then they become superpowers in the competition. Then these people think that if they win the war with the US, then how will they become a superpower, so they hire lobbying firms for better relations in the US while abandoning the slogan of slavery rejection. With this mentally enslaved group. There can be no dialogue. They are ready to fight America with their captain and they are not ashamed to ask for help from America. Shame on them for trying to stop their country’s military and social aid. Anyway, the question here is about Shahbaz Sharif’s sixteen months, what he has done, but before that, the thing to see and think about is in what condition Shahbaz Sharif got this country. Take the example of this as if you got a moving car and you took it at a speed of 100, then your perfection in it is that you got the driving seat and you drove, but if we call this Pakistan. Look at what Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif got in 2013, which was suffering from the worst terrorism and load shedding, in which infrastructure was built, then the first mentioned two monsters were controlled during this period and after that the country’s economy developed. Started doing. When Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif got this country ten years ago, it was the world‘s forty-eighth economy and when they left it, it was the world‘s twenty-fourth largest economy. It was being said that very soon Pakistan will become a member of G20, but then the worst period came in which Imran and Buzdar wrote a new story of disaster.
Yes, we have to see in what condition Shahbaz Sharif got Pakistan sixteen months ago. This was the country that broke the agreement with the IMF. In order to save his politics, Imran Khan, when petrol should have gone from 170 rupees to 190 rupees per liter, had made it 150 rupees. When the electricity unit was supposed to increase by five rupees, they announced a reduction of five rupees. I repeatedly say that Chairman PTI should not have given this ‘relief’ to the people from his father’s earnings or Shaukat Khanum’s donations, but the national treasury should have been used for it. Imran Khan left the country in a state that not a single country from America to Saudi Arabia and from China to Iran was satisfied with Pakistan. Believe it or not, one or two friendly countries have formally stated that this pattern has been imposed. I have no shame in saying that at this time we are shouting at 300 rupees per liter of petrol and 50 rupees per unit of electricity. If the government had remained, the country would have defaulted a year ago, and then the petrol worth Rs. He used to get only two hours of electricity from the country’s resources. Our economy is an import and export economy. When we defaulted, there would be no import or export. One means that there would be no petrol or electricity and the other means that three to six crore Pakistanis would have been unemployed due to the closure of all export factories and import markets. They didn’t have money for children’s bread or medicine for the elderly, but these medicines were also made from imported salt and materials, which were also not available. Our workers were unemployed, attacking houses in posh areas, looting and killing.
Believe it or not, Shahbaz Sharif has been keeping Pakistan alive even today by working day and night, taking the vows of the head of the IMF and the leaders of the friendly countries. Today you are going to your offices and children to schools. Today your factories and vehicles are running. Today, electricity and internet are coming to your homes. Shahbaz Sharif like an expert driver has saved Pakistan’s car from a terrible accident, otherwise Imran Khan would have put the car’s engine on the verge of seizing and throwing it down the mountain. If you think a little, you will know that this person suffering from cancer has worked hard day and night, how he has saved Pakistan.

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