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What is the ideal age to start sexual intercourse?

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What is the ideal age to start sexual intercourse?

The sexual impulse is something that exists since the human being is born and is basically manifested by the curiosity that leads to experimentation with one’s own bodily sensations.

In most people the first sexual experience occurs through masturbation.

sexual responsibility

A question that every teen faces at some point is when to start having sex.

Specialists in this subject point out that the initiation of a sexual life must be the result of a conscious and voluntary decision.

Coital relationships involve a series of risks and, like any activity in life, should be started when you are able to deal with the responsibilities that this practice implies.

For the clinical psychologist and specialist in sexual therapy, Lucía Náder, there is no certain age to start sexual life.

“You have to remind young men and women that relationships produce a series of consequences, it is not only pleasure and taste, but also one of the functions of sexuality is the reproductive part. Many young people believe that it is only having genital contact and they forget about the consequences. If sex is not done responsibly, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases can appear,” said the specialist.

Náder adds that feeling the desire to kiss a boy or a girl and enjoying their company does not mean that a human being is ready to start having relationships.

“Young people should prepare a little more, learn more, coitality can wait. There are other pleasurable forms of sexual expression that can help teens release pent-up tension generated by pleasure, excitement, exploration, and curiosity. We cannot speak of an age, 15, 18 or 21 years, we would have to speak of the age of the preparation to assume all the consequences inherent to the exercise of coital activity”, commented the magister in clinical psychology.



The psychologist, Claudia Ximena Palta, from Corpolatin, said that it is essential to talk about this issue at home and at school.

It is essential that all adults regardless of role: mother, father, teacher, professional, brother, etc.

Talk naturally and respectfully about sexuality. In this sense, the more articulated the family, school, and health sector settings are, the better this accompaniment can be for young people to live a pleasant and healthy sexuality.

The friends

The importance of friendship is one of the characteristics of adolescence. At this stage the boys begin to form their own identity with the help of their group of friends.

In this case, specialists recommend that there be permanent accompaniment by the parents.

“Friends have a lot of influence, which is why those responsible for the home must know who their children are interacting with. The ideal is to establish certain rules but also certain slack. Definitely, the group of friends is beginning to be the main referent for not only social but sexual behaviors of young people, they put pressure on it, when a boy sees that his friends have had sexual relations and he hasn’t, he’s going to want to do it, that’s why we must be aware of their environment”, pointed out Lucía Náder.

Sexually transmitted diseases

The World Health Organization points out that 85% of cases of sexually transmitted diseases occur in young people between the ages of 15 and 30.

Statistics also reveal that this group changes partners two to three times a year.

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sex myths

“It is often said that an organ that is not used atrophies, and there is also the idea that the penis or vagina that does not know coital activity ends up not working.

This is a lie. It must be clarified that sexual life is stimulated by sexual hormones and these decrease with age, but they continue to be produced, and there are also complementary treatments for those who produce them in small quantities. That is why age is not an impediment to starting a complete sexual life”, assures the sexologist Luis Alfonso Ruiz.

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