Home » When all the international press attacks a president, it is sure that he is doing it well

When all the international press attacks a president, it is sure that he is doing it well

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When all the international press attacks a president, it is sure that he is doing it well

The renowned Spanish journalist, Elena Berberana, denounced the destabilizing agenda that the national and international press manages to continuously attack the management of the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele.

“When all the Spanish and international press, the one that follows the same media and international agenda that serves these NGOs that defend criminals, attacks a president, it is sure that they are doing it well,” said the journalist during an interview digital.

In addition, he questioned the criticism of the international community towards the measures implemented by the Salvadoran president on security issues and mentioned that nobody talks about human rights that are violated in countries like Venezuela, “There are many Venezuelans here in Spain,” said Berberana regarding the situation that the country governed by Maduro is going through.

In his opinion program, Berberana stated that the criticisms against the Government have an “interest”, for which there are two hypotheses: The first, that the attacks by the “BBC” may be due to the fact that the British Government is in favor of the digital money, but controlled by banks, unlike bitcoin, which is a cryptoactive that allows financial freedom for its users.

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