Home » Wirecard scandal: Jan Marsalek reports through his lawyer for the first time

Wirecard scandal: Jan Marsalek reports through his lawyer for the first time

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Wirecard scandal: Jan Marsalek reports through his lawyer for the first time

In the Wirecard scandal, the main suspect, Jan Marsalek, who has been in hiding for three years, reported to the Munich judiciary through his defense attorney. A letter from the lawyer was received at the Munich I district court, a spokesman for the court said on Tuesday. The “Wirtschaftswoche” reported first. The court spokesman did not name the content or details of the letter.

Jan Marsalek gets in touch via a lawyer

According to “Wirtschaftswoche”, the lawyer does not specifically address the allegations of fraud against the Austrian manager in the letter. The former Wirecard board member had left abroad in the summer of 2020 when the collapse of the former Dax group became apparent. According to various media reports, Marsalek fled to Russia.

Wirecard collapsed within a few weeks between June and July 2020 because 1.9 billion euros in proceeds allegedly booked in Southeast Asian trust accounts could not be found. As the group’s former head of sales, Marsalek is a key figure.

In the Munich Wirecard trial, which has been going on for eight months, the defenders of ex-CEO Markus Braun have accused the absent Marsalek of plundering the group without Braun’s knowledge and involvement and of embezzling two billion euros in business proceeds together with accomplices.

The letter provides at least one indication that Marsalek is following the process from afar. Because according to the public prosecutor’s office, the letter was addressed to the fourth criminal division, which is conducting the proceedings against Braun and his two co-defendants.

Marsalek’s lawyer comments on the existence of third-party business at Wirecard in a letter

According to information from “Wirtschaftswoche”, Marsalek’s lawyer should comment in the letter on the existence of the so-called third-party business at Wirecard. According to the indictment, a criminal gang in the top management of the company with Braun’s participation invented bogus deals to deceive banks and investors. According to Braun, the business was by no means invented, but the proceeds from Marsalek and Co. are said to have been put aside.

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The process will continue this Wednesday. Braun’s and Marsalek’s former board colleague Susanne Steidl, who was formerly responsible for product development at Wirecard, is to take a seat on the witness stand. The manager – like Braun and Marsalek from Austria – is said not to have been privy to the criminal business of the Wirecard gang.

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