Home » Xi Jinping emphasizes the creation of a new situation in party building work in the army to achieve centenary goal.

Xi Jinping emphasizes the creation of a new situation in party building work in the army to achieve centenary goal.

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Xi Jinping Emphasizes the Creation of a New Situation in Party Building in the Army

Beijing, July 21 – The military party building conference was held in Beijing from July 20 to 21, with President Xi Jinping making important instructions. President Xi emphasized the significance of this army-wide party building meeting in consolidating the achievements of the army’s party leadership and party building since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He called for the creation of a new situation in our army’s party leadership and party building work in the new era and new journey.

The instructions from President Xi highlighted the need to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and thoroughly implement the spirit of the National Organizational Work Conference. It was also emphasized to summarize the historic achievements and important experience of our military’s party building since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, particularly the Gutian Military Political Work Conference.

The conference focused on promoting comprehensive and strict governance of the party and the army, as well as solving prominent problems in party organizations at all levels. This includes adhering to the party’s absolute leadership over the military, strengthening the ability to prepare for and fight wars, and fulfilling the political responsibility of governing the party.

Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, He Weidong, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, stressing the importance of understanding President Xi’s leadership in party building within the military. He called for a deep study of President Xi’s important expositions on the army’s party leadership and party building, while anchoring the 100-year goal of the army’s struggle in the comprehensive strengthening of the military’s party building.

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The meeting also discussed relevant issues and included exchange speeches from 15 units. Members of the Central Military Commission Liu Zhenli, Miao Hua, and Zhang Shengmin were present at the meeting, along with responsible comrades from all ministries and commissions of the Central Military Commission, all institutions directly under the Central Military Commission, the Joint Command Center of the Central Military Commission, all theaters, all services and arms, all units directly under the Central Military Commission, and relevant comrades from the Armed Police Force.

This party building conference is expected to provide a strong political guarantee for the realization of the centenary goal of the army. The emphasis on party leadership and party building in the military reflects the commitment of President Xi and the Communist Party of China to ensure a strong and disciplined armed forces.

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