Home » Initiate a trip to Digital Nishan together, make an appointment to go to the digital civilization together

Initiate a trip to Digital Nishan together, make an appointment to go to the digital civilization together

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Guangming.com reporter Li Zhengwei Mu Ziye Guangming Daily reporter Zhao Qiuli

In the early morning of June 24, the Nishan Holy Land in Qufu, Jining, Shandong was colorful and picturesque under the reflection of the morning light. Looking down from the aerial camera, the core scenic spot composed of the statue of Confucius, the Nishan Assembly Hall and the Confucian Palace is shining brightly, showing the elegance of Confucianism. In this cultural hot spot with exquisite beauty and long culture, a promise of digital civilization is about to start.

The World Internet Conference Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization will be held here from June 25th to 27th. This dialogue spanning ancient and modern times and connecting China and foreign countries will be themed on “The Era of Artificial Intelligence: Building a Digital World of Communication, Mutual Learning and Inclusiveness”. Join hands to seek the rule of digital civilization.

  A meeting of “tradition” and “digital”

Walking into the exhibition hall of the Monkey Group in Jining, Shandong, the animation achievements produced by the group are displayed on the cultural walls around it-“Meng Mu Teaching Children”, “Famous Sentences in the Analects”, “Footprints of the First Ancestor”, “Chiseling the Wall to Steal Light”, and “The Return of Confucius”. These excellent traditional culture-themed works use Chinese characters, pinyin, and English in the form of contrasting each other, integrating text, voice, and animation, and are very popular among netizens.

“Inheriting China’s excellent traditional culture is not simply restoring the old, but dialectical selection, innovation, and the use of modern information technology to achieve new presentations and new expressions of traditional culture.” Chen Hongqing, the person in charge of the group, is deeply touched.

In recent years, Shandong has continued to build a highland of cultural “two innovations”, and has continued to insert “digital wings” for traditional culture. Bai Yugang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Propaganda Department, said that Shandong has formulated policies and measures for the development of digital culture that are compatible with the “14th Five-Year” digital economy, digital society, and digital government; , In terms of digital presentation of cultural relics protection, more than 2.8 million cultural relics have been digitized, and the construction of digital platforms has been continuously promoted, and several large-scale digital cultural laboratories have been built; several digital cultural products have been produced, produced, and traded, and applied to books, film and television dramas, animations , games and other digital cultural scenes have greatly enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the people.

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“Confucianism provides the ideological basis for the harmonious coexistence of diverse civilizations in the world. It is a precious spiritual wealth accumulated by human civilization. This dialogue on digital civilization in Nishan will deepen the connotation of civilization and expand the extension of civilization. It will inject digital into Nishan. The breath of the times can better gather broad consensus and provide intellectual support for the development of digital civilization, reflecting the collision and exchange of traditional civilization’s ideological wisdom and new knowledge in the digital age.” said Ren Xianliang, Secretary-General of the World Internet Conference.

  Focus on cutting-edge topics and gather wisdom from all parties

At present, digital technology is fully integrated into various fields and the whole process of human society, and artificial intelligence has become an important symbol of the progress of human civilization. Ren Xianliang said that today’s world is full of hope and challenges, and the importance of strengthening cultural exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations is even more prominent. The world has entered the digital age. While artificial intelligence technology promotes the development of manufacturing, social governance, and cultural construction, it also brings risks and challenges such as data privacy, security risks, and social ethics.

It is understood that this conference will continue to adhere to the international, professional and representative nature of the activities held by the World Internet Conference, including UNESCO, the World Economic Forum, the Global Mobile Communications System Association, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Smart African Union, and the Global IPv6 Forum. High-level representatives of international organizations will participate in the dialogue offline or online, discussing the development of the artificial intelligence technology industry and global governance; leaders of well-known companies such as Ali, Baidu, 360, Pinduoduo, Cisco, Qualcomm, IBM, and Nokia , and the world‘s top experts and scholars will focus on new technologies, new applications, and new models of artificial intelligence to collide with ideas. The conference also attracted dozens of academics from social organizations, high-end think tanks, universities and scientific research institutes from all over the world to participate in the conference, actively offering suggestions for the development and governance of the artificial intelligence technology industry.

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Centering on the conference theme of “The Era of Artificial Intelligence: Building a Digital World of Communication, Mutual Learning, and Inclusiveness”, the main forum will focus on “Building a Safe and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence”, “Artificial Intelligence Empowering Thousands of Industries”, and “The Future of Human Civilization in the Artificial Intelligence Era”. Where to go” and other topics, discuss how to use the “toolbox” of human civilization to deal with the “technological variable” of artificial intelligence. The meeting also set up a high-end dialogue platform for WIC members: held a symposium for member representatives centering on the theme of “welcoming the opportunities and challenges of digital cooperation: confidence and recovery”; launched the AI ​​initiative to empower public welfare undertakings, and held the love (AI) public welfare action plan Initiation ceremony, etc.

An ideological feast where traditional civilization and digital civilization collide and exchange is about to emerge. Ren Xianliang said that he hoped that the guests attending the conference would look far from the source of Confucianism in today’s accelerated evolution of the artificial intelligence era, gather wisdom and build consensus from the height of human civilization, jointly cope with new challenges, and jointly promote the upward and positive development of artificial intelligence.

  Join Hands in the Covenant of Digital Civilization

On the afternoon of the 23rd, a large-scale ceremony and music performance of “Sound of Gold and Jade Vibration” in the holy territory of Nishan was being staged. The program takes “Confucius of the World” and “Confucius’ World” as its conception direction, draws materials from “Book of Rites”, “Zhou Li” and “Rituals” and other classics, showing the process of a virtuous gentleman from ordinary to holy.

“In order to present the best performance effect, the show combines classical Chinese art forms such as poetry, music, and dance with contemporary cutting-edge stage installations, high-altitude machinery, holographic images, and sound and light.” The on-site director introduced. During the meeting, Chinese and foreign guests will enjoy this unique performance and experience the perfect fusion of modern optoelectronic technology and traditional culture and art.

Qufu Confucian Temple, under the palace wall, there are drums and dances. Accompanied by the “Morning Bell Opening Ceremony”, the ancient and heavy city gates slowly opened to welcome guests from all over the world. During the conference, the Confucian Temple will reproduce the city opening ceremony and temple opening ceremony, and hold excellent traditional Chinese cultural performances. The guests will immerse themselves in a series of activities and enjoy this visual feast and cultural feast.

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In the extension of the “Three Confucius” cultural heritage – the Confucius Museum, in addition to displaying the old cultural relics of the Confucian Mansion, it also uses digital means to innovatively design a batch of multimedia interactive products, allowing the audience to experience thousands of With a long history of 20 years, we have entered the brilliant era belonging to Confucius.

“We look forward to exploring the feasible paradigm of global governance of artificial intelligence and discussing the opportunities and opportunities brought by artificial intelligence technology to human civilization at the foot of Nishan Mountain, which is beautiful and has a long history. Challenge, advocate and carry forward the common values ​​of all mankind.” Ren Xianliang said.

As night falls, in the beautiful and peaceful holy land of Nishan, the light and shadow show of “The End of the World” is being rehearsed in full swing. This visual feast that combines tradition and modernity, culture and technology expresses the human “the world is one family” , All five lakes are friends” good wishes.

The way of all benefits goes with the times. The “Digital Nishan Journey” is about to start, let us go to the “Digital Civilization Covenant” hand in hand.

For more content, please scan the QR code to browse the special page of “Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization at the World Internet Conference”

“Guangming Daily” (version 02, June 25, 2023)

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