Home » Alto Canavese winning Sbaraglia in the three sets the rival NPSG La Spezia

Alto Canavese winning Sbaraglia in the three sets the rival NPSG La Spezia

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Alto Canavese winning Sbaraglia in the three sets the rival NPSG La Spezia

Prodigious recovery of Romagnano that puts an end to the Pasteris match: “Positive start, to improve on the serve and on the block”


Well the first, but how much effort. Alto Canavese removes the seals from group A of men’s Serie B by winning 3-0 at home against La Spezia’s Npsg, after a hard-fought match in all sets. Disqualified coach Fabio Matteotti (disqualification after the return of the first playoff round with the orobics of Scanzorosciate), the second coach Clemy Sandon sends on the field 2 new signings: the central Pasteris and the Teja band, with the rest of the team completed by Milan in dribble , Captain Avalle opposite, Giacobbo the other central, Romagnano teammate of Teja and Armando free.

In the first set the challenge is point to point for most of the fraction, thanks to a few mistakes too many in the service and in attack of the hosts. At 21-21, however, the Alto Canavese rises to the chair and thanks to 2 consecutive points from Romagnano they advance 23-21 for the first time, then another 2 consecutive points from Milan arrive in batting and a winning attack by Teja allows the Canavesani to win the first set 25-22. Same script in the second fraction: Alto Canavese always below in the score until 13-16, when then the cuorgnatesi manage to put 4 points in a row twice, thanks to excellent attacks both from the bands and from the central, but the Npsg La Spezia does not give up and by virtue of good defense and reception manages to remain glued to the Alto Canavese in the score. A hard-fought match that extends to the advantages, where an attack from Avalle decides, good at scoring the point of 28-26. Finally, in the third and last set, the Alto Canavese from 12-12 onwards has the game in hand, leading both in terms of the game and the score. At 23-22 it is the new signing Teja who scores the 2 decisive points, especially that of 25-22, coming from a prodigious recovery by Romagnano, who managed to intercept a very difficult ball.

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Happy with the success, central Carlo Pasteris explains: “We are not yet 100% in shape, but we knew that we would meet a very good team like Npsg La Spezia and that it would put us in difficulty, but we have to say it, we took even ours if it has suffered more than expected. The important thing was to take home the stakes and we are very happy to have succeeded. Starting the championship on the right foot is always very positive. We have to improve on the serve and on the block, hoping to do it right from the next match, next Saturday away from Parella Torino, another match that will not be easy to win ». –

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