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«Berlusconi warned me of the interceptions»- breaking latest news

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«Berlusconi warned me of the interceptions»- breaking latest news
Of Sports editorial team

The Rai 3 broadcast retraces Calciopoli. The former designator Paolo Bergamo talks about a dinner with Massimo Moratti in Milan and talks about sim cards

After 17 years Report go back to talking about Calciopoli. You do it starting from the USB stick that the former general manager Luciano Moggi handed over and which would contain all the interceptions not included in the trial (“Out of 170,000, only 25 concerned Juve”). Interceptions that everyone, it seems, were somewhat aware of, if it is true that Moggi – so he recounts – had been warned by Silvio Berlusconi (“Look, you’re intercepted, but there’s nothing criminal”), and if the Pd politician Nicola Latorre had announced to the former designator Paolo Bergamo (under investigation at the time with the other designator Pierluigi Pairetto) that “he was falling the first Republic of football». The thesis which, according to the same transmission remains “to be proved”, is that there was “an industrial pact” between the entrepreneurs Massimo Moratti and Marco Tronchetti Provera, in the orbit of Inter, and Luca di Montezemolo with others in Turin. The goal was to bring John Elkann to the top of the Fiat group, while at Juventus with Antonio Giraudo, CEO at the time, it would be Andrea Agnelli’s turn, son of Umberto Agnelli, to whom Giraudo was very close.

Calciopoli and the Swiss cards

Berlusconi was actually wrong, however, because the Naples prosecutor’s office found something relevant on a criminal level, as is well known, so much so that they opened the investigation which then upset Italian football: on May 12, 2006, 41 notices of guarantee started . The accusatory system that supported the sentences of the first two degrees of judgment rested on a key passage: the Swiss SIMs given to the members of the association (and many arbiters, defined as «family») served to give all the useful dispositions to obtain certain results. This system substantially held up to the end in the Supreme Court: apart from a couple of charges of sporting fraud from which Moggi was also relieved, the former general manager of Juventus was denied the acquittal on the merits in relation to the aggravated criminal conspiracy (for which he had been sentenced to 2 years and 4 months in the appeal), for which in the meantime, however, the statute of limitations had arisen.

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Regarding the Swiss cards, Bergamo a Report he admits: «Moggi gave it to me, he said “when we talk about referees maybe we use this one because we too can be intercepted”. But I made 2-3 phone calls, then I said, I can’t use it, and my wife used it. Was it abnormal? Yes, it was unusual.”

Baldini “informer” of the carabinieri

A former carabiniere of the Offside operation reveals that Franco Baldini, at the time general manager of Rome, was an informant of the carabinieri who were investigating Moggi: «Baldini always came to the barracks, he must have come 7-8 times, he was always there, he spoke only with Auricchio because then he never made any statements. We officially didn’t have a f… in hand. Then the commander told us: put this one under control, put this one under control, go and catch this one, go and catch this other one». There is also an interception of Baldini himself with the former vice president of the FIGC Innocenzo Mazzini which dates back to 2005, a year before Calciopoli: «Listen, I’ll tell you something, Innocenzo. Perhaps if you behave yourself, when I make the turnaround — I’ll do it anyway because I live for that, make the turnaround and throw everyone downstairs from the armchair… — I’ll save you, maybe».

Meani and Milan

There is also an in-depth analysis of the role of Leonardo Meani, the Milan referee officer, and, beyond the interceptions that had already emerged at the time with Pierluigi Collina, an interception is revealed in which Meani boasts to a journalist from being able to «dodge» the referee Massimo De Santis considered close to Juventus. “Inter have to wake up, however, because when it was my turn to play against Juventus, De Santis wasn’t even on the grid,” he says with reference to the mechanism of the grids that presided over the referees’ draws.

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Inter and Moratti’s dinner

As far as Inter is concerned, the circumstances that emerged in 2011 with the interceptions of Giacinto Facchetti are repeated. Bergamo then recounted that after the Nerazzurri scudetto vanished on 5 May 2002, he was invited by Moratti for a dinner, with their respective wives also present: «he asked me why the referees were mad at Inter».

(article being updated)

April 17, 2023 (change April 17, 2023 | 23:09)

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