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Bologna Juve, Allegri: ‘Too many mistakes, but young people need to be raised’

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Bologna Juve, Allegri: ‘Too many mistakes, but young people need to be raised’

The Juventus coach sees the glass as half full after the 1-1 draw with Bologna: “One point earned against Lazio: a week ago we would have lost this game. We make too many mistakes, but the mistakes of the young players must be accepted”. Meanwhile, Calvo confirms it: “Allegri is not in question, a 4-year project”

“We certainly would have lost a match like this one a week ago: so let’s look at the positive things.” After the 1-1 draw at Dall’Ara, Massimiliano Allegri he sees the glass half full, despite the fact that the assault on second place has failed: “We’ve started to score points again in the league after three defeats, we earned a point over Lazio and we keep the advantage over our pursuers. We’ve made some mistakes with some guys, but they’re young players in the growth stage, they would like to rock the world but they have 10 matches in Serie A. They have quality but the mistakes they make must be acceptedthey have to be raised”.

“Milik penalty? He had to shoot hard”

The reference is above all to Fagioli’s great double chance, to the one on the foot of Soulé or Iling, but the mistake from the penalty spot, in the first half, by an expert player like Milik also weighs in: “The penalty with the jump? I told him that there are times to take certain penalties, this was the time to pull hard, aiming at an angle. Also because they are friends with Skorupski and he knows him”.

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Then, Allegri also comments on the words of Juve’s CFO, Francesco Calvo, who in fact confirmed him for the next two years in the pre-match: “I feel Juventus’ trust and I’m very happy to be here. The hardest moment is this. We are doing a good job especially with young people.”

see also

Bologna-Juventus 1-1 report cards

Calvo: “Allegri is not in question”

“Allegri? Your confirmation is obvious, came back for a 4 year project and we’re not even in season two. The 11 trophies in 7 years speak for him and it is absolutely not in question”, the words of Francesco Calvo, Juventus CFO, before the match.

Bologna vs Juventus - Serie A TIM 2022/2023


Serie A standings

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