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Calhanoglu-Inter: “The renewal? Nobody called me, but I want to talk about it”

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Calhanoglu-Inter: “The renewal? Nobody called me, but I want to talk about it”

The Turkish midfielder: “I want to repay the club’s trust by winning another trophy, perhaps the Scudetto. And I have strange, positive sensations for the Champions League…”

Between the present and the future, Hakan Calhanoglu says everything about his next goals with Inter and the renewal of his contract, which expires in 2024. On this last point, the Nerazzurri midfielder confesses: “Ausilio hasn’t called me yet, but I want to talk about it, I’m waiting for him to contact me”. Now, however, he has other things to think about: “I feel good, I also worked during the holidays to stay in shape. I want to be even more important for Inter – he said in an interview with Corriere della Sera -. Here they helped me from immediately, they made me feel at ease. I want to repay this trust by winning another trophy, perhaps the Scudetto.”

Fire issue

With Brozovic’s return as playmaker, Calha can return to his natural role as midfielder: “Intelligent players know how to adapt, I think I did it well in a position that I already knew anyway because I play as a midfielder in the national team. Then you can be tall or low but on the pitch you make the difference if you have fire inside. You have to be mean in duels, intense. I think I’ve improved in this. Before I was more elegant, light, a classic number 10. I didn’t have the meanness I have today. Since when I changed roles I’m more aggressive and I run a lot, I sacrifice myself”. And on Inzaghi: “We have an excellent relationship, he’s one of the people who wanted me most at Inter, he showed that he believed in my qualities from day one. He complimented me on how I replaced Brozovic. Together we won two cups We just missed the Scudetto.”

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The resumption of the championship is characterized by the big match against Napoli: “We believe in a comeback. If we resume with the same quality of the last few games before the break, we can do it. With Napoli it is a decisive challenge, which will make us understand a lot about the rest of the championship “Winning would be very important. We play at home, we are favourites.” And then there’s the Champions League: “Winning is one of my dreams. I believe it this year. I don’t know why, I have a particular feeling. We have overcome a difficult group. We got back up after the defeat against Bayern showing what we are capable of. Porto are a strong team but if we play like against Barcelona we can go through.” And then there’s the Super Cup on 18 January, a challenge against his former team: “I respect Milan, I have a good relationship with Pioli, Maldini and Massara. As a gentleman, I congratulated them on winning the Scudetto last season. Friends have no colors. But for me that’s the past, now I’m only thinking about Inter.”

No motorbikes

Two curiosities: “If I hadn’t been a footballer I would have become a policeman: they handle difficult situations, they help others, they do a good job”. And again: “As soon as I arrived at Inter, Ausilio told me: ‘I never want to see you on a motorbike’. I’m in love with my Harley but I don’t use it, it’s still in the garage…”. For Inter this and more…

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