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Comment: One year Bernd Neuendorf – not flawless, but reliable

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Comment: One year Bernd Neuendorf – not flawless, but reliable


Status: 03/10/2023 5:31 p.m

Bernd Neuendorf has been DFB President for a year. Neuendorf was not without mistakes at the time, but still acts reliably and with integrity. Kerstin von Kalckreuth commented.

When Bernd Neuendorf was elected DFB President almost exactly a year ago, a spirit of optimism wafted through the World Conference Center in Bonn. Finally a president who speaks the voice of the amateurs, who stands for diversity, who brushes the old felt out of the DFB headquarters, who speaks with a strong voice in political Berlin and who can also shine internationally as a shrewd politician.

After a year, hope has given way to reality – sometimes also to disillusionment. It was a complicated first year for Bernd Neuendorf: the Ukraine war and the energy crisis that followed, the political embarrassment in sport at the controversial men’s World Cup in Qatar and a much bigger financial hole at the association than expected. Bernd Neuendorf tried to solve this in his own way. This is often a good thing, but sometimes it doesn’t work at all.

New seriousness in the association

One of Neuendorf’s successes is that he has brought calm to the association, which has recently been shaken by scandals. Neuendorf stands for a new seriousness, for improved cooperation with the German Olympic Sports Confederation and with politics. For example, he has done a great job in ensuring that amateur clubs benefit from the energy price brake.

Neuendorf pays dearly where it lacks expertise and experience. This was particularly noticeable on the international stage around the World Cup in Qatar: Neuendorf did not succeed in demonstrating seriously with the DFB against the abuses in Qatar and the conduct of FIFA. In the balancing act between the critical public in Germany and the overwhelming majority of the 211 FIFA member associations enthusiastic about Infantino, Neuendorf tore his ties. The wound heals slowly.

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More influence thanks to a seat on the FIFA Council?

Neuendorf is not yet at home in top-flight football either. After the Qatar debacle, he had to leave the field to his vice-president from the professional camp, Hans-Joachim Watzke. The result: With Rudi Völler, there is now a sporting director just for men, who is undoubtedly a renowned specialist, but pretty much the opposite of what Bernd Neuendorf actually wanted to stand for – diversity and visions for a successful future for the DFB.

It remains to be seen what the task force, which is currently working on optimizing the association structures in the background, will present. In addition, Bernd Neuendorf will be elected to the FIFA Council in April. He hopes that this will give him a greater insight into FIFA matters and thus more opportunities to exert influence.

After a year, Neuendorf, the beacon of hope, has become a reliable president with his feet on the ground – not flawless, but with integrity and selfless in the matter. And that’s more than the DFB had in the last ten years.

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