Home » La Bosconerese on the field on Monday The coach: “My parents started working at home some time ago”

La Bosconerese on the field on Monday The coach: “My parents started working at home some time ago”

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La Bosconerese on the field on Monday The coach: “My parents started working at home some time ago”


After Colleretto and Vischese, who met last Monday, 22 August, yesterday it was the Bosconerese’s turn to return to work and prepare another season in the first category (group C), with the championship starting on Sunday 11 September.

Loaded and determined, the new coach of the Canavese Gialloblù Francesco Parisi kept a report on the team, deeply renewed compared to last season, before carrying out the first training of the season: “In recent weeks, the players had been given a program to follow in order to reach the fit as much as possible during this time of the season. Now these days we just have to continue what the guys did before we started the preparation. We trained on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, while on Sunday 28 we will train in the morning and in the afternoon, we will have the first exit – comments Parisi – it will be against Castiglione with the start of the match at 16 and it will be important to start putting minutes in the legs and find the match pace. After this first match, the following week we will return to training on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, again in Bosconero and starting training at 7 pm ».

As for the other friendlies scheduled for the Gialloblù, the troop of President Tassone will take the field again on Wednesday 31 August with the start of the match at 20 against another Turin team, Spazio talent soccer. Sunday 4 September then there will be the challenge at Ardor San Francesco, again in front of the friendly public and always at 16, while the last test before the debut in the championship, will be Wednesday 7 September: this time the Bosconerese will go away to Turin against Cnh Industrial at 8pm.

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The Bosconerese in these tests will have to demonstrate not only the progress made on a technical-tactical level, but also a good general physical condition, a very important aspect in view of a season that promises to be very demanding. The Bosconerese will not take part in the Piedmont Cup, which will start on Sunday 4 September, a choice that the Gialloblù club has decided to focus more on the league performance, starting with the Orione Vallette from Turin. –

Loris Ponsetto

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