Home » Rita Barbera | The PP heals wounds with the figure of Rita Barberá, “the best mayoress in the world”

Rita Barbera | The PP heals wounds with the figure of Rita Barberá, “the best mayoress in the world”

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Rita Barbera |  The PP heals wounds with the figure of Rita Barberá, “the best mayoress in the world”

02/04/2023 at 2:16 PM


The party pays tribute to the former mayoress of Valencia after years in oblivion

The intermunicipal of the PP of Valencia Its main objective is to activate the formation facing the 28Mbut also to project an image of a united and cohesive party in the face of the transcendental electoral cycle.

Thus, in addition to bringing José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy back together with the current national leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the PP has reserved a space at the convention to pay tribute to Rita Barberá, former mayor of Valencia and who was reviled by the popular in Rajoy era, extreme that divided the formation and which now wants to put an end.

Cuca Gamarra, general secretary of the popular, has remembered her in her inaugural speech. “Some are no longer there, like our longed-for Rita“He said after recalling the golden times of the PP in the Valencian Community two decades ago. In any case, he has stressed that”today will be very present and will follow this intermunicipal with great attention“.

As planned, Barberá has already been the protagonist before the start of the second of the tables this Saturday, which under the title “Change in municipalism came from the hand of our mayors” wanted to highlight the role of women in the PP in local politics.

The organization has projected a short video with images of Barberá in her time as mayoress of Valencia. The deputy general secretary of the PP, the Valencian Esteban González Pons, and the mayor of Valencia for the PP, María José Catalá, have stood up to applaud and have raised the rest of the hundreds of PP attendees from their seats.

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Catalá herself already made it clear before the intermunicipal meeting her intention to vindicate the figure of Barberá and her legacy, which she promises to “continue” if she is elected mayor on 28M. The national leadership, through the vice-secretary Pedro Rollán, also congratulated itself on “continuing to be the same PP” and continue to be “inspired” by the “same people”.

“The best mayor in the world”

The praises of Rita Barberá have not remained in that initial video. One of the members of the debate,Former minister Celia Villalobos has assured that the former mayor is “the best mayor in the worldonce again unleashing applause in the Prince Felipe auditorium.

In addition, he has sent a dart to Compromís. Without citing the formation, he has criticized that Barberá was “destroyed” by a party “that does not deserve to govern”, and has asked for victory on 28M “because Rita deserves it”.

Also Teófila Martínez, former mayor of Cádiz, has had a memory for Barberá, from which he has claimed to have learned a lot about politics. “Rita met all the conditions to be a worthy representative of the citizens”, she highlighted.

Luisa Fernanda Rudí, former mayor of Zaragoza and former president of Aragon and of Congress, has also remembered Barberá and the help he gave him in his early days in politics. Thus, he has sent all his “affection and memory to Rita, so important for this party and for Spain.”

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