Home » Schlein, a national mobilization soon Tajani speaks in Gaeta – News

Schlein, a national mobilization soon Tajani speaks in Gaeta – News

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Schlein, a national mobilization soon Tajani speaks in Gaeta – News

Elly Schlein closes the Festa dell’Unità in Ravenna in front of 2 thousand PD militants. ‘The Democratic Party is plural, it has the ambition of uniting different cultures, but also of imagining a new project. We must be plural, broad, open, generous, together,’ he says after the controversy with the reformists over the departure of moderate members from the party. ‘They can dress up as much as they want but they are still the same. We know them, we will not accept attempts to rewrite history, the right does not deal with its past – he adds – when it hears the call of the wild it defends and protects the extremists, we will always be on the other side”. Finally, the dem secretary announces that “after the militant summer we will not rest, an autumn of commitments and participation awaits us, the Democratic Party is ready to take to the streets for a great national mobilization, it’s our time, let’s take back our future”. Among the topics, public health, income support, the right to housing.

For further information Agenzia ANSA Maneuvers at the centre, Tajani opens the doors to the moderates of the Democratic Party – News – Ansa.it Antonio Tajani opens the doors to the moderates of the Democratic Party. “We are ready to open the Forza Italia lists to people who want to build the home of the center with us, which is not Matteo Renzi’s ‘The Center'”, he announces (ANSA)

Le Pen announces that he will be in Pontida with Salvini for the League rally. Bonetti rejects Renzi’s Center and leaves Italia Viva. Crosetto talks about Vannacci: ‘he will have another
employment in the Army. I will apply the rules and give all the necessary protections as I would with anyone. The book can present it.’

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