Home » School needs more sports and exercise instead of more German and math

School needs more sports and exercise instead of more German and math

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School needs more sports and exercise instead of more German and math

Dhe recently published report by the Standing Scientific Commission (SWK) of the Conference of Ministers of Education paints a devastating picture of primary school: a growing number of primary school students are failing to meet the minimum standards in German and mathematics.

In 2021, 18.8 percent of children were below the minimum standards in reading, which is 6.3 percent more than in 2016. In orthography it is 22.1 percent (up 8.3 percent) and in mathematics 21.8 percent (up 6.4 percent). In addition, many children have problems behaving socially competently and regulating their emotions. The KIGGS study on the health of children and young people in Germany showed that 23.1 percent of seven to ten year olds belong to the risk group of children with mental health problems.

20 recommendations of the SWK

In order to rectify these shortcomings, the SWK makes 20 recommendations that range from the implementation of educational standards to more individual diagnosis and support to increasing the learning times in German and mathematics and better qualifications for teachers. That’s all well and good – one might think. On closer inspection, however, one has to admit that it is not least the failed education reform of the past twenty years that has led the education system to this situation. It was fueled by a euphoria for educational standards and a focus on skills that focused on the core subjects. And it is supported by constant evaluation in order to collect more and more data.

If evidence is required in this context, then studies should be mentioned that examine the effectiveness of such measures: The use of data ranks at the bottom, such as a meta-analysis by Beth E. Schueler and colleagues from 2021 shows. At the forefront is: teacher professionalism and time. From our point of view, children no longer need what has been taming them for decades anyway, but something else.

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