Home » “See you at home”, boxer Estelle Mossely wins her ticket

“See you at home”, boxer Estelle Mossely wins her ticket

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“See you at home”, boxer Estelle Mossely wins her ticket

An Olympic double? Estelle Mossely can actually dream of it. Gold medalist in Rio in 2016, the French boxer won, Wednesday, June 28, in the category of − 60 kg, her qualification for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, thanks to her victory in the quarter-finals of the European Games in Krakow. (Poland), against Kosovare Donjeta Sadiku.

Absent during the 2021 edition, in Tokyo, the Frenchwoman will compete in these second Olympic Games in a year. “My only goal was to qualify. Objective fulfilled »she explained to The team, after his victory. Friday, in the semi-finals of the European Games, she has an appointment in the ring with the Irish Kellie Harrington, gold medalist at the Tokyo Games in 2021.

In a video posted on social networks, the boxer stages herself with her two little boys aged 5 and 3 and her “gift of the day” : a ticket for the Paris Games. Estelle Mossely then questions Ali and Magomed: “Where is she going mum? Question to which they answer, smiling, while enjoying their ice cream: ” At the Olympic games ! »

The first – and to date the only – French Olympic boxing champion challenged herself by returning to fight in the amateur world to participate in the Olympic Games. In 2018, Estelle Mossely made the decision to switch to professional boxing. Since the beginning of the year 2023, she has therefore led two careers at the same time. Before the Paris Olympics, Estelle Mossely will also participate in several “pro” fights.

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Amateur boxing and professional boxing, “It’s almost two different sports explained, in April to Monde, Zakaria Attou, former practitioner and consultant for BeIN Sports. Among amateurs, a fight breaks down into 3 rounds of three minutes. On the pro side, it’s four times more, 12 rounds, also three minutes. The equipment is also different: among the pros, the boxer only has a mouthguard and his gloves, while wearing a helmet is mandatory in the amateur world.

Estelle Mossely, interviewed by Franceinfo after her victory, explained: “Pro boxing is so different from amateur boxing. It was very hard, but the will was there, and I knew it could pass if I worked hard. I want to give 300% to get this gold medal in Paris. »

Successful entry for French fencing

The French boxer was not the only one on Wednesday to win her ticket for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Four other Tricolores obtained their sesame: Sofiane Oumiha (− 63.5 kg), Amina Zidani (− 57 kg) , Wassila Lkhadiri (− 50 kg) and Makan Traoré (− 71 kg). In total, French boxing already has three women and two men qualified for the Olympics.

French fencers also distinguished themselves on Wednesday during this third edition of the European Games. Swordsmen Sébastien Patrice, Maxime Pianfetti and Boladé Apithy won the team competition against the Italians, winning 45 hits to 42.

The French foil fencers (Anita Blaze, Morgane Patru, Pauline Ranvier and Ysaora Thibus) lost in the final, also against the Italians (45-40). The French swordsmen enter the fray on Friday, in particular the Olympic champion of Tokyo, Romain Cannone.

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