Home » She had no idea she was running for bronze. We were also happy about the fourth place, but this is a little better, laughed Vondrová

She had no idea she was running for bronze. We were also happy about the fourth place, but this is a little better, laughed Vondrová

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She had no idea she was running for bronze.  We were also happy about the fourth place, but this is a little better, laughed Vondrová

Budapest (from our reporter) – Vondrová had no idea that she was just catching up to the medal position. She herself was concentrating on the fight with the Briton and did not know that Bolová reached the finish line without a pin.

How did you see the dramatic last meters of the race and Bolová’s fall?

I just watched that I must not run into her and must go around her. I just looked at the Brit’s back and raced to the finish line. Then we just waited.

You had no idea that she reached the finish line without a pin?

It’s just that we didn’t know it until we saw that we were in third place. One German woman told us that Femke finished without a pin. Then I started to believe it, but none of us noticed it before.

It also took some time to fully enjoy yourself, even when the results were on the light board.

Of course, we would also be happy with fourth place, but this is even a little better. (smile) It was luck in someone’s misfortune.

Did you believe on your last leg that you would get ahead of your British rival?

She believed, but as we ran down the straight, I already knew I wouldn’t give her. There was a hole, I turned on the rockets and probably burned it a little, but I pushed as hard as I could.

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