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the system can save 5.9 million a year with earlier diagnoses

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the system can save 5.9 million a year with earlier diagnoses


07/08/2023 a las 13:38


A report carried out by Accenture for the IDIS Foundation advocates launching specific early detection programs for patients

Loss of traceabilityduplication of appointments and tests, lack of coverage and common protocols and the difficulty of access to innovative treatments are some “of the breaking points” in the treatment of patients with breast cancer, according to a report entitled ‘Continuity of care and single patient’performed by Accenture for the IDIS Foundation (Institute for the Development and Integration of Health). The document claims that the system could save 5.9 million euros annual costs for earlier diagnoses and elimination of incorrect referrals.

As explained by Marta Villanuevageneral director of the IDIS Foundation, in the report the experts identify the need to activate specific early diagnosis programs for patients who have risk features. But, he qualifies, there is “lack of automatism and a need to promote training in this process”. For this reason, the entity advocates the implementation of “comprehensive prevention and health promotion strategies” and the creation of homogeneous protocols to identify risk variables in early breast cancer cases.

These strategies, together with the activation of specific programs, could mean up to 20% earlier diagnoses. When a patient wants to move between different provision systems (public or private health) it is “highly probable” that additional tests have to be carried out, since there is no interoperability between health systemsindicate from this entity.

mixed committees

The report proposes to create mixed committees by health areas for therapeutic purposes and research, made up of professionals from both areas of provision, “to complete the holistic vision of the patient”. This, it is added, will expedite this process by reducing the patient’s waiting time (with up to 90 days less) “to receive the appropriate treatment and, therefore, an improvement in the survival and quality of life of the patient“.

The mixed committees would avoid the duplication of diagnostic tests and consultations with Primary and specialized Care, maintains the report

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In addition, if these committees existed, patients would avoid duplicating diagnostic tests and consultations with Primary and specialized Care, as well as the consequent displacements. It is proposed to “generate integrated structures and multidisciplinary support groups throughout the care process” that would allow better management of the disease.

Also, the fact of having transversal multidisciplinary groups “could help build consensus” in the follow-up needed by each patient who would benefit from this care. Professionals (Primary Care and specialists from the public and private system) could communicate directly with the committee, for example, In case of doubt, refer to this document.

Savings to the system

The report released by the IDIS Foundation estimates that the system could save 5.9 million euros per year in costs for earlier diagnoses and elimination of incorrect referrals, reduce waiting lists, as well as more than 27 million euros in costs to the public system for avoidable consultations, repeated tests and absorption of new patients, among other aspects.

For Marta Villanuevathe document demonstrates that “continuity of care should be an obligation” and, for it to occur, it is essential “a political will to facilitate the movement of the patient through any health environment to which you have the righthave interoperable tools that make it possible to reach it and promote cooperation between areas of provision and insurance to promote a more efficient health and social model“.

reinvestment in innovation

precisely this mondaythe health provision business sector, represented by the ASPE employers’ association, has considered it “essential” that conditions be favored “that allow a reinvestment in health innovation” for the care given to a growing number of patients, both from health insurance and through public-private collaboration agreements.

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ASPE has recalled that one of the tools available of the member states of the European Union comes from Brussels with Directive 2022/542 of April 5, 2022, which establishes the possibility of determining a super-reduced VAT rate below 5% to benefit the final consumer and pursue objectives of general interest. Health is one of the sectors that, by its very nature, choose to benefit from this aid, points out this entity.

The employers specify that this regulation welcomes under its umbrella the medical equipment, apparatus, devices and articles, as well as auxiliary material and medical protective equipment, including protective masks, normally intended for use in healthcare or for people with disabilities, essential goods to compensate and overcome the disability, as well as the adoption, repair, rental and lease of said goods.

The VAT reduction is a claim that the business sector of health has been making permanently

The European Union offers the possibility of adapting the fiscal situation of sanitary equipment as of January 1, 2025, the date on which this new legislation enters into force, indicates ASPE that, remember, the decision remains in the hands of each member country. The VAT reduction is a claim that the business sector of health has been making permanently. They emphasize that sanitary products are essential goods.

Savings of more than 1,000 million

The health technology employer estimates that adapting the fiscal situation of sanitary material can mean savings of more than 1,000 million euros for public and private health. The reinvestment of these resources in other areas, such as technological or therapeutic innovation, can generate a positive impact on several levels, notes ASPE.

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The number of users of health insurance has grown by 4% in 2022 to exceed 12 million people and record all-time highs

For ASPE, the investment in the latest technological advances must be accompanied by an increase in the infrastructure network. The number of users of health insurance has grown by 4% in 2022 to exceed 12 million people and record all-time highs.

The health services of the autonomous communities would choose to improve the health care offered, from incorporating technological innovations to reducing waiting lists and reducing the current level of equipment obsolescence, among other advantages, they settle. For ASPE, investment in the latest technological advances must be accompanied by an increase in the infrastructure network. The number of users of health insurance has grown 4% in 2022 to exceed 12 million of people and record all-time highs.

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