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Turin Cremonese, Juric: ‘Derby with Juve? We can make a good result’

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Turin Cremonese, Juric: ‘Derby with Juve?  We can make a good result’

Toro closes on 2-2 with Cremonese and remains in ninth place: “It’s not a wasted opportunity, I’m satisfied with the performance. These guys are going beyond all limits”. In eight days (Tuesday 28) there’s the derby with Juve: “I hope to recover someone. We’ll prepare for it with serenity, I think we’ll be able to get a good result”


“Wasted opportunity? No, there is great satisfaction with the performance”. To say it is Ivan Juric, gold ninth in the standings with his Turin after the 2-2 draw with Cremonese. With the three points, the grenades would have started the next round in seventh place in the standings, ahead of Juve, their next opponent in the derby: “For me, the boys are going beyond all limits this year. Then mistakes happen. A little regret c ‘is – continued Juric to Sky -, but all the positivity we saw tonight must remain“. And on the match: “The first half was total domination, we could have scored more goals. In the second half there were a lot of long balls from Cremonese, we have fewer players who are strong at tackling than before, and they scored two goals for us, on two shots from outside. Overall I’m not satisfied because we didn’t score three points, but yes with the performance“.

Towards Juve-Toro

Eight days to the derby: “I hope to recover some players – says Juric -, we will see for Ricci and Vlasic. We will prepare it with serenity, I want our people close. I think we can do a good result“. But with a few more players, could Toro take a further step? “Today, Ricci, Lazaro, Pellegri and Vlasic were missing, who weigh a lot for us – replied Juric -. Perhaps my great regret these last few years is this, yes, with a few more players, or a few fewer transfers, we could have competed for other levels. But I’m really happy with my current players.”

“Bene Sanabria, Radonjic…”

Finally a joke about the singles: “Sanabria makes us play well, inside the penalty area it can get worse. He missed a sensational goal, but there are many positive things. Radonjic has to give more, I’m not 100% satisfied, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it disappears. Sometimes he trains well, sometimes not. Now it is he who must give a signal, the qualities are there but I expect more. Everyone is needed, without him at best we struggle”.

Sanabria: “I thank Juric for the trust”

He was the scorer of the first goal, who was missing at home for almost 400 days: “There’s regret because we cared so much about this game, we started well, but we didn’t take advantage of the chances, especially I had a great chance (0-0 in the first half, ndr). We need to look ahead and learn from mistakes. Juric? I have to thank him for what he is giving me, even if sometimes things don’t go the way i expect. She’s showing me her trust. I needed the goal”. And on the derby: “We have to be one hundred percent, always fight. The derby is always special“. And he also agrees Duke “With Juventus it’s very important, I immediately understood how fundamental this match is for our fans. We want to color the city with grenade. How am I? I’m in a bit of pain but I’m sure it will pass”. And on the match: “We should have ended the match in the first half by scoring more”.

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