Home » What music to listen to during sport: the songs that provide the most benefits

What music to listen to during sport: the songs that provide the most benefits

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What music to listen to during sport: the songs that provide the most benefits

The music during sport it’s good, even more, listen to this: if you listen to musical pieces at a high pace While paths do the corsa or exercise in lecture with weights, the result is that you train better, you get back in shape and you manage to lose weight, because the high pace reduces the perceived effort and increases the benefits. No new age and relaxing music, if you want to get back into shape, better high bpm songs.
One proves it Italian studyconducted by University of Verona and published in Frontiers in Psychology: it is the first research to demonstrate that listening to music at a higher pace has a positive effect on exercise. Especially in physical activities that aim to develop endurance, such as running, weight work in the gym and even the act of walking.
In particular walking, doing trekking e running These are the activities that benefit most from listening to high-tempo music. Whether it’s pop, rock, techno, country or death metal, we don’t know for now, but as long as the beat is sustained. Let’s try to understand more.

Is listening to music during sport good for you?

Yes. We have seen how necessary it is abandon the sofa to avoid the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, and what activities to do in winter to get back into shape, starting from establishing a workout routine to improve health. So with music we can get an advantage if we make physical exercise simpler and more effective.
We already know from other studies that listening to music while exercising brings significant benefits; for example it distracts us from fatigue and increases our involvement in training. But in reality, given that the music is very varied and the ways of listening as well, the important thing, and so far rather mysterious to science, and the way in which we hear the music makes the difference: it is a rather subjective thing, which includes cultural factors and personal preferences.
Until now, researchers had never understood what the specific properties of the music we listen to during exercise were and what they are the types of music best suited to enhance the effect of certain types of exercises. Italian researchers have succeeded.
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Music and sports performance, which one to listen to?

The Veronese team managed to delve deeper into the topic and began to study the effect of the rhythm of a piece of music on people who performed a resistance exercise, i.e. walking on a treadmill and doing high-intensity exercises (Here’s what it is).
The volunteers completed the training sessions both in silence and listening to pop music with different types of rhythms. Some parameters such as heart rate were taken into consideration, starting from the assumption that when it is high it means that exercise is more beneficial for physical fitness.
What has emerged is that listening to high-tempo music during fitnessrunning, walking and workouts in the gym involve a increase in heart rate and a lower perceived effort than when doing sports without listening to music. Professor Luca Ardigò explains that “This means that the exercise seems less demanding, but more beneficial in terms of improving physical fitness.”
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Why run and walk with loud music

The results of the studio show that the beneficial effects of high-tempo music were more evident in volunteers who completed resistance training sessions, compared to those performing high intensity exercisesthus suggesting that who walks or corre with a certain type of music in headphones he can obtain the maximum benefit.
Now further investigations are needed on a larger sample, and the Veronese team will then move on to analyse the effects of individual musical genres, melodies and lyrics on resistance exercises. But Italian researchers are confident that these findings may provide a way simple and useful for improving our physical activity levels.
In the meantime we can try to define our playlist to listen to on headphones when we go out walking or to the gym.

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