Home Ā» AI for medicine, hi-tech agriculture, the smart home: the 50 Italian startups that will be at CES 2024 have been chosen

AI for medicine, hi-tech agriculture, the smart home: the 50 Italian startups that will be at CES 2024 have been chosen

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AI for medicine, hi-tech agriculture, the smart home: the 50 Italian startups that will be at CES 2024 have been chosen

Ongoing in 2024 from 9 to 12 JanuaryCES in Las Vegas is historically the largest and most important event in the world dedicated to technology: as in previous editions, also Italian Tech will be present to tell itand Italian startups will also be present.

ICE, the agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalization of Italian companies, has chosen 50 who will exhibit their ideas among the stands of the Italian Pavilion (Who the ones we talked about at the beginning of 2023)from artificial intelligence that diagnoses cancer with a calculation of probabilities to surface coatings that purify the air and reduce smog, to many solutions in augmented and virtual reality for learning and studying cultural heritage.

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The charge of the 50 Italian startups in Las Vegas

Not only that: hosted in the 600 square meters of the Italian Pavilion back inside Eureka Park, also space for many solutions to make homes and cities smart and future-proof thanks to automation, advanced sensors and new ways of conceiving mobility and public transport. And also: Web3 and blockchain that support agrifood by tracing supply chains, managing notarial documents and marketing, news related to health and well-beingfrom virtual biopsy of bone architecture to self-driving wheelchairs for airports.

The 50 startups, which they represent 13 regions (many from Lombardy, but there are also some from Campania, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia), are 3DNextech, AI4IV, Aindo, Aitem, Alba Robot, Alert-Genius, ARIA Sensing, ArtCentrica, Athics, Blockchain Italia, BrainWaves, Certy, Coderblock, Contents, Develop-Players, Domethics (CES Innovation Awards 2024 Honoree), EZ Lab, Fifth Ingenium, FlywalletGaniga, Genuino, Hexagro, Innoitaly, Innova, Itā€™s Prodigy, Kintana, Levante, Light On Your Side, M2Test, MyCulture, NExT,Ā  Partitalia, Powandgo, Protom Robotics, REair, SAM, Searcode, SkyproximaSnapAll,Ā  Sport Business Lab Consultancy, Sunspeker, Tecnojest, The Meter, The NemesisThe Thinking Clouds, TMP Group, Travel Verse, Truesense, Visual Note e Vitrum Design.

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Below is the detailed description of 8 of the startups that seemed most interesting to usat least on paper: Aitem (Turin) develops artificial intelligence software capable of assisting medical and veterinary staff in the diagnosis phase thanks to data analysis, managing to accurately hypothesize the presence of tumors starting from the recurrence of some biometric indicators or cases of Covid- 19 from thoracic x-rays; Contents (Milan), of which we also spoke last Februarydevelops solutions for the creation of multilingual content via a generative AI platform, aimed above all at companies and their communication; Domethics (Turin), which already we had seen at IFA 2022develops IoT products and technologies related to smart homes and telemedicine services, including a smart carpet that monitors the vital signs of pets, determining their health and collecting data on heart rate, breathing, sleep and environmental information such as temperature and humidity; Hexagro (Milan) created Clovy, a domestic vertical farming system for growing vegetables indoors.

Still: Light On Your Side (Salerno) has its own line of sanitizing products for pets which eliminates viruses and bacteria thanks to the use of light; SAM (Sassari) provides a decision support platform for agriculture capable of cross-referencing data from drones, meteorological stations and satellites with the aim of optimizing resources, providing indications on how much water to distribute, where to treat or fertilize based on to the exact needs of the crops; The Meter (Genoa), of which last July we interviewed the founderis an automated tool for measuring closed spaces which is aimed primarily at architects and surveyors; Truesense (Milan), develops AI for Ultra Wide Band sensors at the basis of various devices for the so-called Internet of Things, which can be used in contexts ranging from monitoring people receiving domestic assistance to vehicle tracking.

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