Home » Almost nothing stands in the way of eco-diesel

Almost nothing stands in the way of eco-diesel

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Almost nothing stands in the way of eco-diesel

Petrol, Super E10, particularly high octane numbers, diesel – drivers can’t really complain about a lack of choice at the pump. Now there is more to come. It’s not a really new fuel, but it still offers completely new options for diesel drivers.

More than diesel admixture: 100 percent fuel made from cooking oil is permitted

Paraffinic fuels aren’t exactly the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word diesel. This can Diesel, which is obtained from used cooking oil – which is exactly what paraffinic fuels are – are already being added to classic fuel today. This makes journeys with diesel combustion engines a little more sustainable, as the fuel has already been used before.

In the future, diesel drivers will also be allowed to do so Fill up with diesel made 100 percent from leftover cooking oil can. The Federal Environment Ministry has now announced this following a corresponding cabinet decision (source: Tagesschau).

Frying fat that has already been used can be used as a raw material for refining corresponding diesel fuels. But the production is also possible from natural gas. The federal government wants this route – production from fossil sources – in the future no longer promote in order to create an additional incentive for the more sustainable diesel alternative.

In the future, drivers should be able to clearly see from which sources the diesel comes: “Um To avoid damage to the vehicles due to incorrect refueling, “The new regulation obliges gas station operators to provide consumers with uniform information,” explains the Ministry of the Environment.

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However, diesel vehicles with the new fuel are not climate-neutral, such as with e-fuels that come from 100 percent renewable sources, or battery drives. Nevertheless, a high proportion could Reduce the environmental impact of the existing fleet of combustion engines.

Only electric cars that are fully charged with green electricity are truly climate-neutral when driving:

Too little frying fat? Diesel revolution must solve quantity problem

The Problem: Even if 100 percent paraffinic diesel is permitted, the offer is not yet correct: According to the Ministry of the Environment, practically all of the used cooking oil in Germany is already being used to add diesel. In order to switch to diesel generated entirely from this, the necessary raw material is missing.

On the international markets, however, there are enough intermediate products to make a difference in German traffic.

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