Home » Apple’s 3 apps are on the Microsoft Store, and xrOS is now there

Apple’s 3 apps are on the Microsoft Store, and xrOS is now there

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Apple’s 3 apps are on the Microsoft Store, and xrOS is now there

Now there are various signs that Apple may indeed launch its first AR/VR head-mounted display product and its xrOS (or realityOS) operating system within this year, as rumored.

According to “MacRumors” reports, not long ago, Apple put Apple Music, Apple TV, and Apple Devices and other applications on the Microsoft Store application platform in the form of preview versions. As a result, a hidden code was found in one of the applications. The code is a reference to Apple’s upcoming operating system for mixed reality headsets.

This application that makes Apple’s mixed reality headset operating system appear is Apple Devices; the Apple Devices application mainly allows users to manage various Apple devices in machines equipped with Windows, and this management function used to be mainly Provided by iTunes, but now in macOS it has been replaced by Finder.

Of course, Windows users will continue to use iTunes to manage Apple devices if necessary, but as Apple is committed to developing independent applications such as Apple Music for Windows, it also means that the life cycle of iTunes for Windows seems to have slowed down. has run its course and needs a replacement management application.

Just after Apple released a preview version of the Apple Devices app in the Microsoft Store, Twitter user @aaronp613 spotted references to realityOS and xrOS in the app.

In addition to @aaronp613’s discovery, “Bloomberg” reporter Mark Gurman has also reported on Apple’s mixed reality headset operating system many times earlier; Mark Gurman initially called this operating system realityOS, but just last month he went further It was revealed that Apple eventually named it xrOS.

However, it is still unknown when this head-mounted display product will be launched, but Mark Gurman revealed in a recent report that although Apple would like to launch this product in January, it may now have to be postponed to the spring conference. , or have the opportunity to launch at the WWDC conference.

(First image source: shutterstock)

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