Home » Astronomers accidentally discovered a strange galaxy: no stars formed | Green Bank Telescope | Low surface brightness | J0613+52

Astronomers accidentally discovered a strange galaxy: no stars formed | Green Bank Telescope | Low surface brightness | J0613+52

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Astronomers accidentally discovered a strange galaxy: no stars formed | Green Bank Telescope | Low surface brightness | J0613+52

Astronomers Discover Strange J0613+52 Galaxy, Composed Only of Gas

In a recent accidental discovery, American astronomers have stumbled upon a dark primitive galaxy known as J0613+52, which appears to consist solely of a ball of gas and no stars. The unusual finding has piqued the interest of the scientific community, as it may be the first time a galaxy composed of primordial gas has been observed.

The discovery of J0613+52 was made using astronomical equipment such as the National Science Foundation’s Green Bank Telescope and France’s Nançay Radio Telescope. The galaxy is located 270 million light years away from Earth, and its unique composition challenges established theories of star and galaxy formation.

The astronomers had originally set out to observe 350 low-surface-brightness galaxies in order to better understand their mass and hydrogen distribution. These galaxies, known for their sparse nature, often pose challenges to existing theories of star and galaxy formation. Understanding their properties could provide valuable insights into the formation of stars and galaxies, including the Milky Way.

The accidental discovery of J0613+52 came about when Green Bank Telescope senior scientist Karen O’Neil detected an error during the observation process, causing the telescope to be pointed at incorrect coordinates. This error ultimately led to the unexpected detection of the gas-only galaxy.

According to O’Neil, J0613+52 is a galaxy made only of gas, with no visible stars. While it is possible that there are stars within the galaxy that are simply not visible, the gas-rich nature of J0613+52 indicates that it is not forming stars in the expected manner. O’Neil suggested that the galaxy’s sparse gas and its distance from other galaxies may be hindering its ability to form stars through collisions.

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The gas within J0613+52 appears to be undisturbed and “stunted,” leading scientists to believe that this galaxy may be the first of its kind to be composed entirely of primordial gas. Its low-density nature makes it difficult to observe at other wavelengths, highlighting the need for sensitive instruments like the Green Bank Telescope to survey the sky for similar galaxies.

The Green Bank Telescope, located in West Virginia, USA, is the largest fully steerable radio telescope in the world, with a diameter of 100 meters. The research results on J0613+52 were presented at the 243rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society.

The unexpected discovery of J0613+52 has opened new avenues for research and has sparked excitement within the scientific community. As astronomers continue to explore the mysteries of the universe, the gas-only galaxy stands as a testament to the endless possibilities and surprises that await in the cosmos.

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