Home » Die Produktwerker: POEM – Product Ownership Evolution Model

Die Produktwerker: POEM – Product Ownership Evolution Model

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Die Produktwerker: POEM – Product Ownership Evolution Model

POEM stands for “Product Ownership Evolution Model” and was invented and developed in 2017 by the two product engineers Oliver Winter and Tim Klein. The model helps to establish more product ownership in an organization. It helps to visualize, discuss and thus jointly develop the current and future desired design of product ownership, especially in terms of decision-making responsibility.


Building on these results, the model can be used to more bindingly agree on responsibilities for product ownership between the roles. Ultimately, a possible coaching need of the people/roles involved can be identified, which Scrum Masters and/or Agile Coaches must cover.

In this episode, Oliver Winter and Tim Klein, the two inventors of the model, once again examine the origins of POEM and the problem that led them to want to make the question of decision-making responsibility more explicit. The two explain the idea behind the tool and explain the structure and mechanics of the model. They also shed light on its strengths and weaknesses and, in particular, give tips and advice on how POEM can be used particularly effectively as a tool in discussions. Scrum masters, agile coaches and organizational developers in particular – but of course also product owners – can use the model effectively.

The product engineers make the POEM template available for download, including explanations of how to use it.

Podcast episodes recommended in this episode:

Selection of videos on the Product Ownership Evolution Model:

Books that recommend POEM:

The current edition of the podcast is also available on the Produktwerker blog: “POEM – Product Ownership Evolution Model”.

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