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Greentech: PC manufacturer HP relies on more green IT and sustainability

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Greentech: PC manufacturer HP relies on more green IT and sustainability

Greentech at the PC manufacturer HP: The PC group relies on more green IT and sustainability

New HP sustainability report from the tech pioneer – the focus is on climate protection, human rights and digital equality. The Californian PC manufacturer HP today publishes its 22nd annual “Sustainable Impact Report” (CSR). This is intended to underscore the company’s progress on the way to “becoming the most sustainable and equitable technology company”.

The US group from Palo Alto focuses in particular on three areas: climate protection, human rights and digital equality

HP Sustainability Report: “Most Sustainable and Fair Tech Company”

For the 22nd year in a row, HP has published its Sustainable Impact Report. It outlines the company’s progress in the area of ​​sustainability, especially in the three core areas of climate protection, human rights and digital equality.

HP is thus addressing some of the current most pressing challenges. HP has long worked closely with customers, partners, suppliers and employees to achieve the sustainability goals that have been set.

Greentech HP Sustainability CSR. Photo Mika Baumeister Unsplash

Current progress and goals in HP’s CSR area include:

HP has reduced its absolute carbon footprint by 18 percent since 2019. This brings the company closer to its goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions across the entire life cycle by 2040. Reduce single-use plastic packaging by 55 percent compared to 2018. Fight deforestation: Today, HP replants 32 percent of the paper used in HP products and services. HP’s goal is to achieve 100 percent here. HP-branded paper, paper-based packaging, and wood in products come from recycled or certified sources. Partnering with NGOs to improve management and conserve more than one million hectares of forest. HP makes a significant contribution to digital equality. More than 21 million people have benefited from HP projects in this area. The aim is to offer this opportunity to a total of 150 million people by 2030. Commitment to building a diverse talent pipeline: 46 percent of new hires in the US last year were from ethnic minority backgrounds.

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In 2021, HP has set ambitious goals to move towards a sustainable business. The report for 2022 shows clear progress on the way there.

HP wants “intensive circular economy” by 20240

For example, HP is on course to achieve a net-zero carbon value chain and an intensive circular economy by 2040. In addition, HP is committed to a global culture of equality and works hard to increase digital equality around the world, giving all communities the opportunity to be active and thrive in a digital economy.

The complete sustainability report is available here.

Greentech HP Sustainability GreenIT CSR Report

Criticism of HP and climate protection

HP (formerly Hewlett-Packard) is criticized in some areas of environmental protection: Consumers and environmental protection organizations are demanding increased efforts from HP and other electronics manufacturers in the area of ​​environmental protection. Among other things, the group as a manufacturer of printer paper and hardly recyclable printer cartridges is often criticized in terms of environmental protection.

Some HP printers prohibit the use of third-party ink. In the USA, this could cost the company environmental protection certification: the tech group has repeatedly made headlines over the years because it restricts the use of ink from third-party manufacturers.

Recently, the company even went so far as to block printers without original ink with a firmware update. Just a few days later, another update caused a stir. A bug rendered countless printers unusable.

Electronic waste problem

And like many other electronics manufacturers, HP is also confronted with the problem of electronic waste. This refers to the large amount of electronic equipment that is discarded due to obsolescence or defects and then ends up in landfills or in developing countries. Disposing of electronic devices can have a significant impact on the environment because they contain hazardous chemicals and materials such as lead, mercury and cadmium.

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Some environmental organizations have accused the company of not having adequate e-waste recycling programs or making enough efforts to encourage the reuse of materials. In addition, HP computers are not energy efficient enough and should therefore cause higher energy consumption and a greater environmental impact.

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