Home » If you want to hang up, you have to change

If you want to hang up, you have to change

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If you want to hang up, you have to change

With iOS 17, Apple introduces a small but fairly important iPhone change. In order to end a phone call, you still have to press the red button – but this can be found in a completely different place. Apple’s reasoning should convince only very few iPhone owners.

End call: iPhone button somewhere else soon

Apple is preparing to release iOS 17. The new version of the operating system will bring some useful changes and improvements. At least one of them but could turn out to be an improvement.

Apple is actually planning that to change the known position of the red end call button. So far, the button to hang up is prominently located at the bottom of the display. No other symbol can be found to the left or right of it to make it stand out more. Other functions such as mute or FaceTime are placed above.

For iOS 17, the hang up button becomes bottom right of the screen to be found. It no longer stands on its own and has to share space with other features such as audio settings, FaceTime, mute, adding more callers and the iPhone keyboard.

Why the change? Apple apparently wants to make room for the new Contact Posters feature coming with iOS 17. Pictures of the person you are talking to are displayed during the call. Even if the images are not used, the hang up button stays in its new position (source: 9to5Mac).

These innovations from iOS should be much better received:

Hang up button: Some are already annoyed

The preliminary reactions to the change are mixed. Some iPhone owners have already expressed criticism, while others first want to see how the new position of the button works in practice. But one thing is also certain: if you don’t want to use “Contact Posters”, has no advantage from the new position.

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