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Incorrect use makes chats unsafe

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Incorrect use makes chats unsafe

Writing messages, sending photos and videos or voicemails – we share the most intimate things with our friends or family via WhatsApp. But one application makes it possible for others to read your entire chats if you’re not careful – and that comes from WhatsApp itself!

The WhatsApp Web function allows you to use the chat service from your PC. This is useful if you don’t want to constantly reach for your smartphone to chat. Some just prefer typing on a PC keyboard. However, the program can also become a security hole if misused. Others can read their WhatsApp chats!

Use WhatsApp Web correctly

In order to log in to WhatsApp Web in the first place, you need the mobile phone on which you normally use WhatsApp and a laptop with a correspondingly up-to-date browser version. You can reach the corresponding page at web.whatsapp.com. There you will be asked to scan a QR code. Do that by selecting WhatsApp Web from the top right menu in your smartphone app and tapping the plus icon. WhatsApp then accesses the camera so the QR code can be activated. All of your chat histories will then appear on your tablet, laptop or PC in no time at all.

From the WhatsApp app menu on your phone, launch the QR scannerPhoto: TECHBOOK

So anyone who uses your phone unlocked for just a few seconds can easily scan the code and read all your WhatsApp chats as a result. It’s enough if you only go to the toilet for a short time, at the other end of the room or during your lunch break and leave your cell phone on the table or don’t log out of WhatsApp Web properly.

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How to protect yourself from cell phone spying

With a few tricks you can protect yourself and your chat history from curious people. First and foremost, always log out of all devices other than your smartphone that you use WhatsApp Web with. You can find out whether you are already logged in to WhatsApp from a second device in the app menu under WhatsApp Web settings. There you can not only connect to a device, you also see a list of browsers connected in the past and below them the access date. Just below the list, you can sign out of all other devices directly, or you can tap the corresponding option one by one.

Screenshot sign out whatsapp web
Always unsubscribe carefully!Photo: TECHBOOK

You can also disconnect directly from the browser version of WhatsApp. To do this, access the menu above the chat list; characterized by three dots on top of each other. There you will find the option “Log out”.

Screenshot desktop sign out whatsapp web
When it comes to private chat histories, caution and security are the order of the dayPhoto: TECHBOOK

In addition, always use the password protection on the display of your smartphone. Even if you trust friends, think carefully about whom you give your cell phone and all your secrets to. Then what should remain secret remains secret again.

Up to three years imprisonment threatens

By the way: If others read your messages, for example via WhatsApp, without your knowledge, this is not a trivial offense. Anyone who intercepts data without authorization according to § 202b StGB faces a prison sentence of up to two years. If the perpetrator has spied out data according to § 202a StGB that was not intended for the person and was even secured with special access, there is even a risk of up to three years imprisonment.

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