Home » iOS 17 Apple Music new features: 8 major highlights and improvements, a comprehensive preview

iOS 17 Apple Music new features: 8 major highlights and improvements, a comprehensive preview

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iOS 17 Apple Music new features: 8 major highlights and improvements, a comprehensive preview

Since Apple released the “Classical Music” App (Apple Music Classical) for Apple Music, it immediately released 8 key feature updates for Apple Music in iOS 17, including features and interfaces. Improvement, this article sorts out the new features of Apple Music on iOS 17 for everyone.

iOS 17 Apple Music New Features

1. Song interactive mixing fade out and fade in

Among them, iOS 17, which has attracted the most attention, adds the “interactive mixing” function of songs to Apple Music, which can enable the effect of fading in and out between songs, avoiding obvious pauses or breakpoints when listening to songs, and allowing Apple Music to switch It can smoothly transition when going up and down songs, and realize the effect that the music will never stop.

understand deeper: Apple Music Interactive Mixing Teaching: Implement iOS 17 music fade-in and fade-in skills

Song interactive mixing fade out and fade in

2. Collaborative Playlists

Apple announces the launch of “Apple Music” for Apple Music later this yearCooperation playlist」(Collaborative Playlists) The new function allows users to create a playlist by themselves, and invite friends to add, rearrange and remove songs together. Friends can also use emoticons to give comments during music playback.

Judging from the preview renderings of the Apple Music cooperative playlist function, there is a button to add or delete sharers at the top of the shared playlist, and four friends can be seen editing the Game Night playlist in the middle. When a friend adds or edits a playlist After that, you will see the profile picture and information under the song.

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Collaborative Playlists

At present, the iOS 17 beta version has not yet opened the Apple Music cooperative playlist function. It is expected to wait until the official version of iOS 17 is released, and it will be added in subsequent updates.

3. CarPlay simulcast sharing

Apple Music also supports the CarPlay simulcast sharing function. When driving with friends, when the iPhone is connected to CarPlay to play music, you can send a SharePlay sharing playback invitation through the upper right corner of Apple Music, so that all friends in the car can decide which one they want to listen to. Music, even if you don’t have an Apple Music subscription, you can still control your music.

CarPlay simulcast sharing
CarPlay Simulcast Sharing 1
CarPlay simulcast sharing can also support QR Code scanning to join

4. Music playback floating effect

Originally, when Apple Music is playing music, the music player will be displayed at the bottom, but starting from iOS 17, the Apple Music player will be changed to a floating effect display, just like floating on the interface, but this function cannot be dragged manually, purely Just add the shadow effect to the original plane to make the small music player more visually obvious.

Music playback floating effect

5. AirPlay supports Dolby Atmos

The iOS 17 update also brings new features and improvements to Apple Music’s AirPlay. When playing through Apple Music, AirPlay can also support “Dolby Atmos” (Dolby Atmos), allowing the sound to surround your space and present Immersive listening experience.

AirPlay supports Dolby Atmos

6. Apple Music lyrics get bigger and clearer

Starting from the iOS 17 version, the font of Apple Music lyrics has become larger and clearer. Compared with the previous Apple Music lyrics, the font is very small, making it difficult for many users to read.

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Apple Music lyrics get bigger and clearer

7. Dynamic music album effect

If you play an Apple Music music album on iOS 17, when you enter the full-screen playback screen, you will see that the album cover has a dynamic effect, instead of a static album photo like before.

Dynamic music album effect

8. Music player favorite function

In some screenshots shared by Apple, there is an additional star button on the music player, which functions like the favorite button in the upper right corner of the Apple Music singer’s exclusive page, which can collect and track our favorite singer’s works. It has not been added in the iOS 17 beta, so I don’t know the details of the function.

Music player favorites

function summary

This article is the 8 major improvements of iOS 17 for the new functions of Apple Music. Currently, iOS 17 is in the beta stage. After the official version of iOS 17 is released, it will bring you more detailed teaching on the new functions of Apple Music.

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