Home » One billion authentications to Spid in 2022 (with the Cie 21 million)

One billion authentications to Spid in 2022 (with the Cie 21 million)

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One billion authentications to Spid in 2022 (with the Cie 21 million)

Spid reached one billion authentications in 2022. Almost double compared to a year ago, when it stopped at 570 million. Growing numbers, as well as all those concerning apps and digital systems of the public administration. The Department for Digital Transformation has made an annual point of view on the growth of the tools made available to citizens.

Spid is growing, so is the electronic identity card, which respectively have seen their numbers increase to 33.5 million and 32.7 million activations. However, a distance remains between the two due to the number of times the app has been used by citizens because, to the billion Spids, Cie responds with 21 million registered authentications.

But the Io App is also growing, the only public services app which at the end of 2022 had been downloaded 32 million times, with an average of monthly users rising to 6.5 million. The numbers of PagoPa, the platform for payments to public administrations, are also growing, which in the year just ended carried out 332 million transactions, for an economic value of 61 billion.

Butti: “Italians need digital”

Encouraging numbers, comments Alessio Butti, Undersecretary to the Prime Minister’s Office in charge of Technological Innovation. Numbers that “demonstrate how much Italians need digital to be able to live and work better”, he comments, because a “lean, transparent, citizen and business friendly” pa remains the executive’s goal.

In detail, Spid added 6 million new digital identities in 2022. At the end of the year, over 3,000 public entities activated authentication via Spid. While the number of private subjects who have done so is 68.

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The Spid-Cie confrontation

Numbers that at the moment seem to reward Spid over the PA’s other digital identity system: the Cie, which has been downloaded by 7 million more people. An important fact. During a Fratelli d’Italia party, Butti announced his intention to “turn off Spid” in the long term, trying to encourage the use of the electronic identity card. But at the moment the data says that the public digital identity system is still the preferred method for online authentication by citizens.

While at the end of 2022 the number of public and private entities exhibiting authentication via CIE is equal to 6,240. The new federated entities that have activated the service are 3,382. The increase in the number of PagoPa transactions compared to the previous year was 103%. There were 19,088 entities that received at least one transaction during the year, while monthly active users averaged around 9.6 million.

digital identity

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Finally App Io sent 247 million messages to citizens in 2022. A growth of 117% compared to 2021. While 5,392 entities have been added to the App (+78% compared to 2021). Almost 94 thousand new services on display (+122%), for a total of services made available equal to over 170 thousand.

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