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“Progress and prejudice”: when innovation changes society

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“Progress and prejudice”: when innovation changes society

From the refrigerator to the airplane, from the tin tube to the seat belt, passing through electric motors and antibiotics: in a series of six episodes the many stories that over time have made these six technologies so important for human life will be explored , thanks to the genius and initiative of some and despite the many difficulties and many initial preconceptions. In six episodes, the authoritative voice of a scientist appreciated and recognized as Massimo Temporelli will guide us along this fascinating journey full of curiosities to fully understand progress.

“The way of progress is neither quick nor easy.” The words of Marie Curie, Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 and for Chemistry in 1911, do not cease to be current. Yes, because the history of so many technologies that are part of our lives every day, and have facilitated it, is dotted with obstacles that have marked their path up to their definitive affirmation.

“Progress and Prejudice” is the series that takes you on a journey through time to discover the value of research and the power of innovation. A journey to reflect together on the history of some of the most used technologies in the world, made available to all humanity thanks to the courage of forward-looking and visionary minds.

From the refrigerator to the airplane, from the tin tube to the seat belt, passing through electric motors and antibiotics: the format will explore the many nuances that over time have made these six innovations so important for human life, despite the many initial biases.

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On the other hand, the arrival of a technological novelty, which often brings with it a change of cultural paradigm, generates many expectations but also many doubts and fears. This is because our culture is based on history and traditions, on identity, while innovation also means desecrating obsolete schemes. It’s rewriting the rules.

Nowadays there are many areas looking for a paradigm shift, a new impetus, new ideas and scores to compose. Among these is the smoking sector, which is undergoing a profound transformation thanks to technology. Indeed, thanks to scientific research and innovation, one of the most analog markets in the world has been revolutionized by the entry onto the market of products capable of eliminating combustion, such as electronic cigarettes and systems for electronic heating of tobacco. Since their introduction on the market, these products have been reducing the consumption of cigarettes by smokers to a level never seen before. But even in this case, the advent of these new technologies raises doubts and perplexities.

Creating a debate on this transformation and understanding how to guide it for the benefit of society as a whole is the objective of “Sfumature”, the new information campaign launched by Philip Morris Italia, which has decided to support this story through the evolution of technology , to learn from history.

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