Home » Seven Free Learning Pipelines to Help You Become a Web3 Developer – Little Crow Max|Demi #0604 (@soaringcrowz)

Seven Free Learning Pipelines to Help You Become a Web3 Developer – Little Crow Max|Demi #0604 (@soaringcrowz)

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Seven Free Learning Pipelines to Help You Become a Web3 Developer – Little Crow Max|Demi #0604 (@soaringcrowz)
Image credit: MidJourney, Derivative By soaringcrowz


For most people, learning Web3 technology development and becoming a Web3 engineer is a desirable job; however, there are countless courses in the market, with prices ranging from thousands to tens of thousands. For novices, choosing courses becomes The most painful thing, after all, it takes money to learn, and most people need to choose carefully to avoid stepping on the thunder.

However, does novice learning necessarily cost money? The answer must be no. In fact, many people become Web3 development engineers through self-study.

This article provides seven free learning channels that I think are good. Pick one you like, which may effectively help you enter and become a qualified Web3 developer.

Seven Learning Platforms


Image credit: Alchemy


Alchemy provides the leading blockchain development platform, powering millions of users in 197 countries around the world. The mission is to provide developers with the fundamental building blocks they need to create the future of technology. The Alchemy team draws decades of deep expertise in massively scalable infrastructure, artificial intelligence, and blockchain from leadership roles at technology pioneers such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Stanford, and MIT.


At present, there is a relatively complete developer platform that provides many products and APIs. In addition, the learning courses are the most complete I have seen so far, allowing novices to understand how to build and interact with the Web3 ecosystem step by step. Can teach you everything you need to know about Solidity.

Image credit: Alchemy


Image source: buildspace


buildspace hopes to open a new path for the world‘s best builders by bringing developers together to explore promising areas and launch meaningful products.

The main idea is to use “a weekend” to liberate yourself. Discuss and finalize the project design with friends and developers, and use a weekend to complete the construction.

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The content of buildspace is relatively diverse, not limited to smart contracts, even machine learning, artificial intelligence and other promising fields are within the scope of its learning, but the disadvantage is that the content is a little difficult, and it may not be suitable for anything. If you are a novice with a little programming foundation, you may find this learning environment great.

Currently “gtfo localhost V3” is open for applications (closed on March 24), you can participate in a 6-week sprint with developers from all over the world, build and exchange any ideas on nights and weekends.

Image source: buildspace


Image credit: CryptoZombies


CryptoZombies is an interactive school where all technical knowledge about blockchain is taught. Learn to write smart contracts by making your own crypto collectibles game.

CryptoZombies is also the first tutorial on NFT on the Internet. Currently the course mainly focuses on Ethereum and Solidity development, but content for other chains such as Binance, TRON and even Chainlink will continue to be updated.


If you like games and NFT, then CryptoZombies will be a good channel. It allows learners to learn through games, allowing you to build your own zombie army while learning.

I personally think that CryptoZombies is very suitable for learners who hate tedious face-to-face programming codes and like to learn through interactive methods.

Image credit: CryptoZombies

Awesome Solidity

Image credit: Awesome Solidity


A great Solidity repository with a curated list of various official resources, references, tools, and more.


Since it is a website launched directly from Github, the content is biased to focus on gathering all Solidity-related resources, which is more suitable for people with a programming foundation. If you are a novice, it may be a little painful to read. After all, the model of Github, for Generally speaking, it is not so approachable.

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Image credit: Awesome Solidity

Smart Contract Programmer

Image source: Smart Contract Programmer


This channel provides free education on smart contracts on open decentralized blockchains. Join the adventure and discover cutting-edge innovations in smart contract programming, security, and applications.


Video teaching is usually the most intuitive way of learning. After all, you can learn while watching, and follow the video step by step to interact, basically there is less error. In addition, the playlist organized by this channel is clearly classified, allowing people to learn from the shallower to the deeper.

It is suitable for those who like to learn with pictures and texts and learn step by step.

Image source: Smart Contract Programmer


Image credit: useWeb3


useWeb3 is a platform for developers to explore and learn about Web3. Whether you’re a new developer for the first time or an experienced developer transitioning into the Web3 space.


The sorting speed is fast, and many new learning resources and basic knowledge can be found here. The interface is a block-shaped learning field. The website includes courses, books, videos, and code challenges. It is quite suitable for those who like to learn with goals and challenges. Every time you complete a content, you will have a sense of accomplishment when you unlock it.

The point is that there is also a job version in it, so when you have achieved something in your studies, you can also find a job you like here.

Image credit: useWeb3

WTF Academy

Image credit: WTF Academy


The Web3 Open University for Web2 Developers. Learn, test and get certified in on-chain technology at WTF Academy.

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Although it is relatively new compared to other websites, the content is well organized, and it is easy to get started after taking a few classes. In addition, it was funded by the Ethereum Fund at the beginning of the year. I believe that there will be more and more resources in the future. In addition, it is an all-Chinese learning platform, and there is also a Discord where you can join the discussion. It is suitable for those who like to watch Chinese learning or like to study and discuss with friends.

Image credit: WTF Academy

in conclusion

As mentioned in the preface, many people yearn for Web3 development work, thinking that this will be a job with a chance to make money; but if your purpose is only to make money, I don’t recommend you to enter Web3 because the work of Web3 is close to For start-ups, the vast majority of start-ups are “not profitable” and even have high risks.

How many people pay a tuition fee and take a series of courses, only to find that they are not interested in this field, and finally do not engage in related jobs. Isn’t that a pity? Especially in the current discussion of Web3 and blockchain, many people are flocking to it, but few are willing to stay and work hard in the end.

If you are interested in learning and having fun, then all the resources and channels mentioned above will be very suitable for you. In fact, there are many good learning resources on the Internet, which can help you understand the work of Web3 developers and confirm whether you are Really interested in this piece.

If you are interested in Web3 work, welcome to follow the previous article “Bear market is to build ah!Top 10 Biggest Companies Still Hiring Web3 Talent“Taking it together, there is a “commonly used job vacancy website” I recommend.

Finally, I also share a sentence I like about learning:

Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
                                           By Ralph Emerson

Let’s encourage each other.

Image credit: AZ Quotes

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