Home » Stable Diffusion AI Mapping User Manual (5-2): Lock the character pose through the normal map | T Kebang

Stable Diffusion AI Mapping User Manual (5-2): Lock the character pose through the normal map | T Kebang

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Stable Diffusion AI Mapping User Manual (5-2): Lock the character pose through the normal map | T Kebang

In the previous tutorial, we saw the use of OpenPose in ControlNet to control the pose of the character. This time we further use the normal map to lock the pose more strongly.

Stronger control than OpenPose

Although OpenPose has successfully controlled many character poses, there are still some character skeletons in the reference pictures that cannot be correctly recognized by OpenPose, resulting in a situation where the generated pictures are not as good as expected. At this time, you can consider using the Normal BAE model with stronger control , use the normal map to solve the problem.

First of all, we need to refer to the previous teaching article “Controlling Character Pose Through ControlNet” to complete the installation procedure of ControlNet first.

Next, you need to go to the ControlNet page on Huggingface, download the “control_v11p_sd15_normalbae.pth” model, and save it to the “extensionssd-webui-controlnetmodels” under the “stable-diffusion-webui” folder, so that the previous set homework.

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▲Readers must install ControlNet by referring to “Controlling character poses through ControlNet”, then go to ControlNet’s Huggingface page, download the “control_v11p_sd15_normalbae.pth” model, and save it to “extensionssd-webui-controlnetmodels” under the “stable-diffusion-webui” folder ” to complete the pre-work.

obediently put on the same pose

The usage of the Normal BAE model is similar to the previously introduced OpenPose model. The main difference between the two is that if you want to use the Normal BAE model, you need to select normal_bae in the Preprocessor and control_v11p_sd15_normalbae in the Model. For other settings, you can refer to the basics mentioned above. concept.

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Although the Normal BAE model has a strong control force, it is because its effect is too strong, sometimes it is not suitable for the situation where you only want to restore the pose in the reference picture one-sidedly, and do not completely lock various details, so readers are using it , you may wish to interactively test the effects of the Normal BAE and OpenPose models, generate a few more pictures, and select the ideal finished product.

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