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A Community of Shared Future for Mankind from the Perspective of Marxist Anthropology- Theory- Zhonggong.com

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Original Title: A Community of Shared Future for Mankind from the Perspective of Marxist Anthropology (Theme)

In the final analysis, it is because of the practice of Marxism (quote)

Human beings are a whole, and the earth is our common home. Facing the complex situation of the world economy and various global issues, China follows the general trend of history and the trend of the times, insists on seeking the overall interests and common values ​​of all mankind, and scientifically answers the questions of the world. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out: “China has always adhered to the foreign policy purpose of maintaining world peace and promoting common development, and is committed to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.” Promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind to achieve win-win sharing is China’s answer. It is not only the essential requirement of Chinese-style modernization, but also the future of the people of the world. Peace and development are still the themes of the times. As the main body to promote historical progress, the increasingly closely connected people of the world must pay more attention to their own living conditions, development paths and future destiny. From the perspective of Marxist anthropology, we can deeply understand the philosophical foundation, theoretical connotation and practical direction of a community with a shared future for mankind from the theoretical perspectives of “kind existence”, human essence and human liberation.

1. The idea of ​​a community with a shared future for mankind is a contemporary interpretation of the “quasi-philosophy” of Marxism

Marx pointed out that “human beings are species beings”, and the essence of species existence is free and conscious life activities, an internal unified relationship between man and nature, man and man, and man and himself formed on the basis of material production practice. Marx revealed three basic forms of human society from the perspective of human existence: “human dependence”, “human independence based on the dependence of things”, “based on the overall development of individuals and their common, social free individuals on the basis that their productive capacity becomes subordinate to their social wealth”. The forms of human existence corresponding to these three social forms are group-oriented, individual-oriented, and class-oriented. It can be seen that the realization of human beings as “species existence” represents the future direction of human social development, and the realization form of species existence is For the “community of free people”. It can be seen that Marx’s quasi-philosophy and the thought of community are logically consistent and interpenetrated. The idea of ​​a community with a shared future for mankind, as a contemporary interpretation of the Marxist “quasi-philosophy”, on the one hand, is an extension of the theoretical thinking logic of Marxist anthropology at the theoretical level, and is in line with the inherent requirements of human nature; Explore the important manifestations of the overall interests and common values ​​of human beings, and promote the continuous manifestation of human nature in joint actions.

Today’s world is still in the social form of “human independence based on the dependence of things”. In the historical background of the dominant capitalist mode of production, capital has become the dominant abstract force, leading to divisions, conflicts and confrontations between people, between countries, between nations, and between people and nature. A material source of further deterioration in the relationship. This makes people look at the existence and development of human beings, nature and society and their interrelationships in the same way as things. This kind of one-sided, isolated, and mechanical “thinking of things” is self-centered, with the purpose of maximizing benefits, and fails to see human subjectivity, initiative, and sociality, and the integrity and openness of the world. And inclusiveness, which ultimately manifests itself in the loss of the human nature of the species. Therefore, the transition from “object thinking” to “species thinking” is an inevitable requirement for the evolution of human society to a higher social form so as to realize the free and comprehensive development of human beings. At present, the in-depth evolution of world history and the urgent need to solve global problems have stimulated the awakening of human “kind” consciousness. The resulting “species thinking” is a thinking logic that starts from the nature of human beings and constantly explores the way of existence that human beings themselves and human society as a whole should have. The idea of ​​a community with a shared future for mankind follows the cognitive logic of “species thinking”, which embodies a deep interpretation of the nature of human beings, and overcomes and surpasses the “thinking of things”.

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Different eras have different themes, and people in different social and historical conditions have different ways of being. Based on the cognitive logic of “like thinking”, the thought of a community with a shared future for mankind explores the practical path and staged goals for the realization of human “like existence”. The “human existence” of human needs to take nature as the material foundation, the communication between people as the practical need, and the material production practice of human beings as the most basic practical activities and the most fundamental driving force for transforming the world. At the same time, factors such as politics, diplomacy, national defense, and ideology in human society also affect the living conditions and development prospects of human beings to varying degrees. Under the theme of the era of peace and development, the ideological system of a community with a shared future for mankind has created a realistic plan covering politics, security, economy, culture, ecology, etc. An open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world will create conditions for the ultimate realization of human “kind existence” and the inner unity of man and nature, man and man, and man and himself.

2. The practical existence of human beings establishes the practical principles of the thought of a community with a shared future for mankind

In Marx’s view, human beings are real human beings based on perceptual activities and in certain social relations, that is, human beings are not abstract, but the sum of all social relations, and finally manifested as humanized society or socialized human beings. We need to deeply understand the practical logic of the idea of ​​a community with a shared future for mankind through practical thinking from the perspective of human nature.

First of all, practical thinking emphasizes grasping human characteristics and ways of existence in a human way, which is fundamentally different from theoretical thinking that treats people abstractly, singularly, and instrumentally. Human beings are not things, rich and profound perceptual needs and practical activities with infinite possibilities demonstrate the “kind” nature of human beings. Whether it is an individual, a country or a nation, they are all flesh and blood organisms, all have the right to survival and development, and all need the realistic needs of lasting peace and extensive exchanges. As an advocate and practitioner of a community with a shared future for mankind, China adheres to the principle of putting people first, and has always promoted peaceful exchanges and mutual learning with countries and regions with a sincere, friendly, open and inclusive attitude. We should fully understand and respect the emotional needs, practical interests and development paths of different countries and nations.

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Secondly, there is an internal unity between man and man, man and society, and man and nature, but this unity relationship is a negative unity relationship based on practice. As the subject of practice, people need to give full play to their initiative and revolutionary nature to constantly solve various contradictions in social life. At present, the world‘s political and economic crises are frequent, inter-regional conflicts continue, and the ecological environment is further deteriorating. In the face of all kinds of crises and global problems that need to be solved urgently, every decision of human beings is of great importance. Promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind is the best proof that the Chinese people have given full play to their subjective initiative and taken the initiative to undertake the important task of promoting human development. For example, in terms of economy, play the leading role of the Asia-Pacific to meet the challenges of the world economy; in international politics, practice true multilateralism and make continuous efforts to build a new type of major power relationship including China and the United States; in terms of ecology, adhere to the relationship between man and nature Harmonious coexistence, building a community of life on earth; in terms of national security, it emphasizes strengthening the international nuclear safety system and promoting global nuclear safety governance.

Finally, people’s practical activities and communication needs determine the social nature of people, which requires us to use the dialectical thinking of universal connection and development to deal with various relationships and contradictions in the process of human social development. While the multi-polarization of the world, economic globalization, cultural diversification, and social informatization continue to develop, divisions, conflicts, and even wars still exist. People of all countries need to unite and exert the power of mankind as a whole with a more united, open, and inclusive attitude. . General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “In this world, countries are interconnected and interdependent to an unprecedented degree. Human beings live in the same global village, and live in the same time and space where history and reality intersect. There is your community of destiny.” “Community of destiny” accurately indicates the dependence of human survival and development, the interaction of social interactions, and the consistency of future and destiny. At present, my country has proposed a series of “community” concepts including a community with a shared future for mankind, a community of the Chinese nation, a community with a shared future in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a community of human health and health, and a community of life between man and nature. , the practical wisdom and long-term vision of balancing special interests and general interests, and pursuing overall interests and common values.

3. The idea of ​​a community with a shared future for mankind is in line with the Marxist theory of human liberation

Marx regarded human beings as a concrete and realistic whole, and then explored the future destiny of human beings, looking for a way for all human beings to be liberated. The “Communist Manifesto” mentioned, “In place of the old bourgeois society in which classes and class antagonisms existed, there will be a union in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.” Communism The lofty ideal is to realize human liberation and establish a “true community”. Building a community with a shared future for mankind is my country’s new exploration of the path of human liberation based on the new historical environment and judgment of the times.

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From the perspective of the inherent provisions of the theory, it is reasonable, legitimate and historically inevitable to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. The political liberation of the bourgeoisie has historical limitations, because class antagonism and human alienation still exist in the “illusory community”, so it is not a real and thorough human liberation. Based on the position of concern for the vital interests and future destiny of the broad masses of the people, Marx put forward the goal of “human liberation”. However, the realization of communism is staged, arduous, and long-term, and the Marxist theory of human liberation needs to keep pace with the times. On the one hand, what we are facing is a more complex and diverse world, where various contradictions among different countries, ethnic groups, and civilizations are intertwined, and multiple differentiating factors such as politics, economy, and culture interact with each other. On the other hand, the theme of today’s era is still peace and development, which are also the two major value concepts among the common values ​​of all mankind. The idea of ​​a community with a shared future for mankind is the modernization of the Marxist theory of human liberation on the basis of conforming to the trend of the times and grasping the laws and prospects of the development of human society. Promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind has always followed the common values ​​of all mankind, such as peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom, and is committed to building a new type of international relations. This is not only a powerful proof of the peaceful rise of our country, but also an inevitable measure for various countries, nations, and ideologies to seek common ground while reserving differences, and coexist harmoniously. It is also a necessary stage in the great journey of realizing human liberation.

In terms of specific practice, China is not only an active advocate of promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, but also a firm practitioner. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China stated: “Our party is determined to the eternal great cause of the Chinese nation and is committed to the noble cause of peace and development of mankind. The problem of imbalance has become increasingly prominent, and the road to changing the world pattern and benefiting the vast majority of people in the world is arduous and tortuous. However, China will not stop working with like-minded partners to build a community with a shared future for mankind, and will surely surpass the “illusory community” linked by interests in the practical dimension. The idea of ​​a community with a shared future for mankind aims to achieve peace, development, prosperity and happiness for all mankind. On the basis of continuous improvement of the theoretical system, it provides practical solutions in politics, security, economy, culture, ecology and other aspects for the sustainable development of human society. It can be said that this action is related to the fate of mankind and the future of the world, and it is a great practice of great practical significance to promote the ideal pursuit of communism into reality.

(Lv Hongxia and Li Luming, the author is a researcher at Beijing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)

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