Home » Argentina, the ultra-liberal Javier Milei wins in the presidential primaries: he is compared to Bolsonaro

Argentina, the ultra-liberal Javier Milei wins in the presidential primaries: he is compared to Bolsonaro

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Argentina, the ultra-liberal Javier Milei wins in the presidential primaries: he is compared to Bolsonaro

Look at Pink House and already proclaims the “end of corrupt caste“, now that he emerged victorious from the Argentine presidential primaries on August 13, where only the 69% of the 35 million eligible cast his vote. That of the ultra-liberal candidate of the coalition “Freedom advances” (Lla), Javier Mileywas the resounding victory of an outsider, who with 30% of the preferences collects the candidacy as favorite in the elections of October 22nd. A result that represents a real political earthquake for the South American nation, where the voters have chosen an economist considered the “Jair Bolsonaro Argentine” for his verbal excesses not extreme ideas which bring him closer to the former Brazilian right-wing leader.

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Ideas and opponents – Thus, in the year that marks four decades since the democratic recovery, the hegemony kirchnerista risks not seeing his mandate at the helm of the renewed government and thus carry on one stabilization definition of the country’s economy, which so far has been conditioned by the multi-million dollar debt contracted with the IMF, by the impact of pandemic of coronavirus, drought and war in Ukraine. In his government program mercy among other things, it promises to mow jobs in the public administration, the ‘dollarization’ of the currency, the privatization of public services (including health and education) and the elimination of Central bank. With more than 92% of the seats counted, the current Minister of the Economy, Sergio Massacandidate of the government coalition “Union for the Fatherland” (UPP), and former Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichcandidate of the center-right opposition coalition “Juntos por el Cambio” (JxC), will be the other two main contenders, with 21% and 16.7% of the votes respectively.

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The defeat of the Peronists – To come out with broken bones from the surprising result of primaries it is above all the peronism to the government: Lla today it is the first political force dell’Argentina with 30% of the votes, PvC the second with 28.25% and Upp is only third with 27.07%. Less than three points of difference separate the three most voted forces. It is the “end of the parasitic, thieving and useless caste of this country”, she shouted, commenting on her triumph, mercy. The former conservative president is also emphatic, Mauricio Macri: “Argentina is entering an epochal change that is definitely leaving behind very harmful ideas that have only generated poverty, problems and disunity among Argentines”. The outgoing president Alberto Fernandezinstead celebrated the victory of Patricia Bullrich on Horacio Rodríguez Larreta in the internal contest of the centre-right opposition. “Congratulations to Patricia for the campaign, the will, the strength and the heart you have put into touring the country”. There is “a majority of Argentines who are proposing a profound change that has not existed in Argentina for decades”, underlined the head of state.

Negative turnout record – Only 69% of the 35 million eligible voters who cast their vote. This is the lowest percentage recorded in elections primaries and, in nominal terms, of 1.4 million fewer voters compared to the previous primaries of 2019 and about 10 million voters who did not go to vote. The day was characterized by drawbacks registered in the electronic voting system used in the capital Buenos Aires which caused a considerable delay in the opening of several polling stations and forced the justice electoral to authorize an extension of closing time by seven polling stations. According to polls before the elections the scenario should polarize among the ruling coalition Union for the homeland (Up)whose main candidate is the Economy Minister, Sergio Massa, and the opposition coalition Juntos por el Cambio (JxC), whose two presidential candidates are Patricia Bullrich and Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, the current head of government of Buenos Aires.

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