Home » As the EU trio tries to take over Tunisia — BUT WHAT AN ETHNIC SUBSTITUTION, IT’S MUCH WORSE

As the EU trio tries to take over Tunisia — BUT WHAT AN ETHNIC SUBSTITUTION, IT’S MUCH WORSE

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As the EU trio tries to take over Tunisia — BUT WHAT AN ETHNIC SUBSTITUTION, IT’S MUCH WORSE


The Genesis

Taking the cue from the new Troika (Melonsky, Ursulensky and Ruttensky) that rushes on Tunisia to bring it back to the order of the IMF, Euro-Atlantic neocolonialism, and the global alignment against Russia and China, we deal with migrations.

From the point of view of the triad who, between salaams and various ceremonial niceties, try to recover an African-Mediterranean country of high strategic value, President Kais Saied is a thorn in the side. Having taken power, marked by inefficiency and corruption, from the Muslim Brotherhood, historical and current trustees of colonialism, in the wake of a mass revolt, the prestigious constitutionalist Saied constitutes a further element of disturbance in the eyes of Euro-Atlantic neocolonialism. Together with Algeria, Egypt, the Sahel and the main part of Libya under the control of Benghazi, Saied’s Tunisia is an obstacle to the normalization of the region, already so well initiated by the so-called Arab Spring.

The expedition of the trio coming from the farms of the Young Global Leaders of Klaus Schwab (Davos), was aimed at buying, by dint of some monetary donations (for future debt), the submission of Tunisia to the Euro-Atlantic diktats: 900 million from the EU, provided Tunis accepts the IMF’s 2 billion-with-blackmail. Which do not so much concern the migration issue, used as a propaganda pretext to convince the European coastal peoples that they are concerned with saving them from… ethnic replacement. Creepy dirty word, this, for Schlein and all the actors, extras, extras, who call it welcoming and integrating desperate populations. Indeed, a completely improper definition, given that it is not a matter of substitution, but of an indistinct amalgam, aimed at canceling historical, national and cultural diversity and identities.

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What the mini-Troika intended to impose on the Tunisian president also concerned a certain amount of control over transits and embarkations (which, however, Melonsky is known to be very ready to continue to make the Italians suffer, to the extent that her availability serves the strategic purposes of the godfathers/global reordering masters). Lost, on the African front of the Mediterranean, Algeria (always), Egypt, four fifths of Libya under Haftar and almost all of the Sahel, Tunisia was destined to become the cornerstone and springboard of neocolonialist revanchism.

It was a question of convincing Saied to finally accept the IMF loan, complemented by an EU treasury, and adopt those measures with which these disinterested loans, aimed at extracting countries from various economic difficulties, intend to reduce them to the schemes favorable to financial and productive capitalism western. Temporary relief at the cost of structural reforms that plunge the subject into an insolvent debt, a harbinger of total dependence. Predatory foreign investments, an economy aimed at exports and the suppression of even basic consumption. Saied said no to monetizing submission. Literally: “Tunisia cannot be bought”.

Another governor to throw a giulioregeni between his feet to try to reduce him to obedience. It didn’t work with Al Sisi. And it seems that this is also the case with Kaid Saied.

The pecking of the woodpecker, however, is centered on another theme, wider, more strategic, more criminal. The migratory phenomenon, distorted by all those who trigger, manage and describe it.

It is not about ethnic substitution, but about ethnic, social, cultural miscione up to the total extinction of diversity and identity. Pasolini’s homologation to the nth degree. An indistinct flatness, where those who assimilate, those who are assimilated and all are deprived of their historical, cultural and geopolitical role. Where individuals, communities, nations, civilizations lose their memory and therefore their reason for being. They call it breaking down borders. But the territories within the borders to be obliterated, emptied of their own productive and reproductive generations, capable of defending and developing them, are then taken on by the predators of Western multinationals.

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This is the project, the helm is in the hands of the same operators of pandemics, wars, gender fluidity, climate blame and various equipment. The askaris are NGOs and various associations, private, public, mixed, secular, religious, which constitute the mercenary of a maneuver aimed at the New World Order.

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