Home » Authorities Investigate Improper Handling of Newborn Bodies Found at Dominican Cemetery

Authorities Investigate Improper Handling of Newborn Bodies Found at Dominican Cemetery

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Authorities Investigate Improper Handling of Newborn Bodies Found at Dominican Cemetery

Several People Questioned in Improper Handling of Newborn Bodies in the Dominican Republic

The National Police of the Dominican Republic has confirmed that several individuals have been questioned by authorities in relation to the mishandling of the bodies of six newborns. The bodies were discovered near the entrance of the Cristo Salvador cemetery in Santo Domingo Este. Diego Pesqueira, the spokesman for the National Police, revealed on Thursday that the search for a cemetery employee, known only as “El Grillo,” is currently underway.

Health personnel, cemetery staff, and employees of the La Popular funeral home have been among those interrogated, Pesqueira added. The investigations are being carried out jointly by the National Police and the Public Ministry in order to take appropriate legal action against those responsible for the improper burial protocol of the infants.

In response to the incident, the doors of La Popular funeral home remained closed on Thursday. The owner of the establishment denied any responsibility and claimed that the bodies had been handed over to a cemetery employee by one of their drivers.

Mariano Suazo, the president of the National Nursing Association, called for consequences to be faced by those accountable for the mishandling of the newborn bodies.

The National Health Service (SNS), in a statement released on Wednesday, stated that the remains had been delivered in accordance with the required procedures by the Ciudad Juan Bosch Hospital to a funeral home. Marilelda Reyes, the director of the hospital, emphasized that the deaths of the newborns were caused by different factors and that the hospital covers the burial expenses in some cases, particularly when the parents have limited financial resources.

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Authorities continue to investigate the incident to bring justice to the affected families and ensure that proper protocols are followed in the handling and burial of newborns in the Dominican Republic.

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