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Breastfeeding: 5 trying realities to know ~ The chronicles of a young mother

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Breastfeeding: 5 trying realities to know ~ The chronicles of a young mother

Throughout your pregnancy, your body is preparing for breastfeeding. Unfortunately, without expecting it, many mothers fail to do this. This situation, experienced as a great disappointment, can impact the mother’s thought of being a good mother.

In this article, I share 5 trying realities about breastfeeding. Knowing them goes a long way in preparing for a better experience.

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Breastfeeding can be a painful illusion

Breastfeeding was a bad experience for me. I only breastfed for a week. LMilk production was no longer sufficient. I had to opt for mixed breastfeeding on the recommendation of the pediatrician.

Mom Nolan’s testimonial

No sooner had I returned to work than the milk dried up. We were unable to continue exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months cas I wished.

Testimony of divine mom

Like these two mothers, many of us feel guilty for not breastfeeding for a long time. On the other hand, several factors can explain a failure of breastfeeding.

  • Breastfeeding down : Regular breastfeeding stimulates milk production. If the number of feedings drops, milk production will no longer follow.
  • Inadequate diet : an insufficient and unbalanced diet can be a brake on the rise of milk and therefore on continued breastfeeding.
  • stress and anxiety : all mums are subject to the stress of new responsibilities and the image of the perfect mum to project to others. These situations can generate stress that negatively impacts breastfeeding.
  • Going back to work : it implies less time for breastfeeding, hence a drop in milk production.

Breastfeeding can be painful and cause fever

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Pain, fever and tenderness: a vicious circle

Breastfeeding should be a moment of sharing and not associated with a painful experience. New mom, you are very sensitive to touch and pressure. Improper baby position while breastfeeding can lead to breast engorgement. The breasts become heavy, tight and sore with the onset crevices. These cracks in the nipples are sores that can lead to fever and body aches.

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What to do to avoid them?

  • Preparing to breastfeed : During pregnancy, you have time to learn about breastfeeding. Quality content is available on the web. Mom blogger is an example. Also, I always recommend the shows of the Kindergarten House.
  • Support after childbirth : In practice, there are always some readjustments to be made. Reason why, you need assistance to learn the right gestures. This need for support during postpartum is one of the reasons for being a blogger mom. I mention it in my first article.
Picture by skalekar1992 of Pixabay

Breastfeeding takes time and patience

I never imagined that it was necessary to breastfeed baby practically every 15 minutes to stimulate the rise of milk. Breastfeeding time!

Testimonial from mom Vincy

Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding at least 10 times in 24 hours. Breastfeeding can thus seem like a constraint. In addition, combining this new mission of breastfeeding mother with household chores and personal shopping is not always easy during the first months.

How to optimize this time?

  • When you decide to breastfeed, be present and enjoy the moment. Make sure your baby is suckling properly. Observe the signs of satiety so that you can go about other activities with complete peace of mind.
  • Organize your days. Break down big tasks into small ones and evaluate progress.
  • Get help if the need arises otherwise your health may suffer.

Breastfeeding means your body no longer belongs to you

You should breastfeed anywhere and anytime unless you choose to use bottles. As a result, a minimum of ease in movement is essential, especially if you are outdoors.


To avoid criticism and be comfortable, prioritize outfits suitable for breastfeeding. Find out in this video of the Kindergarten House, some tips to get practical breastfeeding clothes.

Breastfeeding is everyone’s business

Everyone’s eyes are on you when you’re breastfeeding. At this precise moment, everyone has a word to say about your diet, your breastfeeding positions, your breastfeeding hours, and even about your little sores while breastfeeding. You have to prepare for it psychologically and not allow yourself to be hurt by hurtful or inappropriate words from those around you.

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Finally, breastfeeding is all well and good, although the most important thing is to know the different challenges and prepare for them. A great experience of breastfeeding contributes to a more fulfilling motherhood.

Speaking of these 5 facts, myths or realities according to you? Share with us your experience.

Mom Blogger

Better informed to live a more fulfilling motherhood

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