Home » Caroline of Monaco on Instagram with white hair divides the web: “You look old, how have you reduced yourself?”

Caroline of Monaco on Instagram with white hair divides the web: “You look old, how have you reduced yourself?”

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Caroline of Monaco on Instagram with white hair divides the web: “You look old, how have you reduced yourself?”

The slap inflicted on the passing of the years by Caroline of Monaco is princely. Look at the latest photo of him that appeared on Instagram (the platform with the highest photoshop rate in existence), a radiant exception to the “I like it ergo sum”. Grace Kelly’s daughter appeared on the caroline.of.monaco profile with silver hair tied back, a little black dress below the knee, three-centimeter heels and the super-natural face of someone who doesn’t even know the word exists make-up or much less «filler». Caroline of Monaco, a woman of acclaimed class, in those photos she is truly princely, proud of her of her 66 years of her, interested in everything except the challenge against the wind with advancing age. In short, not insidious.

What was not foreseeable is that among the subjects of the principality of Monaco – indeed, because a high percentage of comments come from the Monegasques – a rift has arisen with very unkind tones: on the one hand there are those who are scandalized: “But how did you get like this? And to think that you would have the means to go to the best beauticians!». On the other, there are those who say they are sorry and take the opportunity to insult her: “How sad to see you reduced to this, you look like a beautiful eighty year old”. In the middle, on the other hand, those who are ready to place the princess on a throne where in reality she is already comfortably seated: that of resolute people, with a personality, who do not want to grow old cheating, because in the end, as he said Catherine Deneuve (actually before giving in, she quoque, to the temptation of botox), «in the end it is your eyes that speak and tell how much and how you have lived and, perhaps, how tired you are now».

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Finally there is the «conspiracy theorist» species, the one that «I don’t do it»: «Carolina has found a way to get noticed even more, closed in her monkish Chanel and without even a veil of lipstick. Try yourself, without being Grace Kelly’s daughter, to do the same thing if you dare» writes a follower using fixed capital letters.

Yes, courage. A dowry that is especially lacking in those who do not recognize in Carolina of Monaco that royal detachment from conventions that characterized her from a young age (she had the whole family against it when she married the playboy Philippe Junot, 17 years older than her) and from obligation to please everyone and always. Certainly it is not a habit used to attract more photographers around her: after Lady D. (but in reality for her the torture had already begun when she was in swaddling clothes) she was the princess most persecuted by the paparazzi.

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