Home » Chad: the entrepreneurial culture in school programs to reduce youth unemployment? ~ Under the Shadow of Hope

Chad: the entrepreneurial culture in school programs to reduce youth unemployment? ~ Under the Shadow of Hope

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Chad: the entrepreneurial culture in school programs to reduce youth unemployment?  ~ Under the Shadow of Hope

Every year, nearly 170,000 young Chadians of working age enter the job market. And although the state is the biggest job provider, it cannot alone contain all these young people. In this respect, is it not wise to direct young people towards entrepreneurial initiatives? How to do it ?

Today, youth unemployment is becoming a major concern. In Chad, according to Third Survey on Consumption and the Informal Sector in Chad (ECOSIT3), unemployment is estimated at 22%. As for underemployment, it is at 35% of the employed working population. Added to this is strong population growth, estimated at 3.6% annually, resulting in a sharp increase in young people looking for work.

According to national development plan (PND) from 2017 to 2021, 51% of the Chadian population is under 15 years old. This is an asset that deserves to be exploited for the development of young people and also to allow the private sector to fully play its role as a bearer of job growth and wealth.

Entrepreneurship, the miracle solution

Nowadays, in a country like Chad where integration into the civil service is a real struggle, entrepreneurship is becoming the panacea. It is the miracle solution favored by political decision-makers and by young people themselves. It is therefore important and even imperative to guide young people towards entrepreneurship.

Similarly, it should be noted that the emergence of the private sector is an opportunity for job creation and growth. And according to the famous formula ofAdam Smithin his book titled The Wealth of Nations, the search by men for their personal interest leads to the realization of the general interest. This assumes that the private sector plays a capital role in the development of a nation. Therefore, the encouragement of private initiatives, particularly in the field of entrepreneurship, is an essential factor of socio-economic development.

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A group of young people coming out of entrepreneurship training. Photo credit: Mubarak with permission.

Chadians do not have the entrepreneurial culture

Chadians do not have the entrepreneurial culture, which is a cultural dimension as a former French colony. The latter tend to believe that those who work in public administration are the ones who have succeeded in their lives. School is the only way to build a bright future. Thus, most young people are attracted by joining the public service or a state, parastatal or private institution. Academics believe that as soon as they complete their studies and obtain degrees, they will immediately find suitable and stable employment.

However, what they do not know is that during the job search, they will have to implement several skills, a know-how that is particular to them or even knowledge to carry out a professional project. and achieve the set goal.

Sanoune Brahim in interview.
Photo credit: Mahamat Alhadj Ali

Alas! Rare are those who aspire to create their own businesses when it is possible to set up a business and flourish, even without a diploma.

This is the case of several high school students interviewed, including Sanoune Brahim Sossal, a student in the second class at the Lycée Scientifique La Renaissance. The latter affirms that he is going to school so that in the future, these studies will allow him to occupy a great position and that he will be invited to TV because he will become very rich.

Entrepreneurship remains a novice in Chad

In Chad, entrepreneurship is still little practiced, little experienced. Chad is full of many opportunities that young people can exploit by creating businesses in such varied fields. If we have to talk about the fact that Chadians do not have the instinct to undertake, we must also recognize that this is due, in part, to the lack of support, guidance and awareness of young people in the entrepreneurial culture. It is also due to the absence of a long and wide communication not only on the advantages of entrepreneurship but also on the fact that one can undertake, even with zero francs, because the idea is already a capital . Also, the Chadian education system is less oriented towards entrepreneurship. This does not promote the development of young people or the fight against unemployment.

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Some actions play their part

Some actions carried out in favor of young people deserve to be commended all the same. Indeed, the recent funding of projects for 50,000 young people, the organization of meetings such as the Pan-African Youth Forum in 2017 in Ndjamena and the various editions of “Chad Talents” or the World Entrepreneurship Week are to be welcomed and to encourage. These initiatives constitute an opportunity to develop the human capital of young people in order to help them to undertake better but also to build the Chadian State in its permanent quest to fight against unemployment.

Another action tending to encourage entrepreneurial initiatives is that of the Higher Institute of Commerce, Business Administration and Management (ISCAM), which requires students at the end of their first cycle to write a dissertation in the form of a Business Plan or business. The case of the Technical Learning and Development Center (CTAT), which contributes, among other things, to the self-employment of young people, also deserves to be appreciated. The actions undertaken by the Chamber of Commerce, the Maison de la petite Entreprise (MPE), the National Council of Chadian Youth (CNJT), the National Advisory Council for Young People (CNCJ) are to be welcomed without forgetting the integration of an entrepreneurship course in the various public and private universities. In addition, platforms like WenakLabs, Chad innovation, etc. play their part.

A zero tax?

In order to promote the development of young people and enable the private sector to play its role of bringing growth, jobs and wealth, the following actions should be carried out. Indeed, the first action to take is to educate young people about the benefits of entrepreneurship. And this sensitization will be done in particular through the creation of websites, the organization of radio and TV broadcasts. Next, it seems important to introduce entrepreneurship into the education system.

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With regard to support for entrepreneurial initiatives, it would also be interesting to grant specific exemptions to entrepreneurs. For example, institute the zero tax for the first five years in order to allow the installation of new entrepreneurs.

To encourage entrepreneurial initiatives, it would also be necessary to award prizes, distinctions to successes in the field of entrepreneurship. It also seems appropriate to identify the categories of young people who require immediate support, such as the patent holders of high schools and industrial technical colleges who deserve support in order to enable them to create their own businesses.

The role of the state

The State could consider, through partnerships, the creation of a periodical dedicated to the proposal of ideas tending to develop businesses.

Particular emphasis should be placed on rural Chadian youth in encouraging entrepreneurial initiatives through funding and awareness raising.

Moreover, it is not irrelevant to draw inspiration from the experience of countries that have, among other things, banked on entrepreneurship to promote economic and social development. At this level, the progress recorded by Togo is to be congratulated and explored. Indeed, 12,592 companies were created in 2020 in Togo. In 2021, in the first quarter alone, 4,087 businesses were created (including 1,104 by women). This amounts to saying that more work needs to be done on all aspects related to business creation.

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