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Cuban Broadcaster Shares Shocking Encounter with State Security Agents: Threats and Harassment Exposed

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Cuban Broadcaster Shares Shocking Encounter with State Security Agents: Threats and Harassment Exposed

Title: Cuban Broadcaster Shares Shocking Encounter with State Security Agents

Subtitle: Brave Journalist Reveals Personal Tragedy Amid Government Censorship

Date: August 4, 2023

Friday, August 4, 2023 – Yunior Morales, a Cuban broadcaster known for his outspoken nature against the Havana regime, recently took to social media to share a harrowing encounter he had with State Security agents. Morales, who has been subjected to censorship and harassment for his publications, revealed the shocking revelation made by one of the agents during the appointment.

According to Morales, a colonel threatened him due to his critical posts and hinted at accusing him of contempt under the new penal code. However, it was another colonel who broke the silence and uttered a bombshell statement, saying, “Yunior, we know what happened with your mom.”

Expressing his grief further, Morales stated, “Yes, my mother was allowed to die. The day she passed away, she still wore the housecoat with which she was admitted, and they denied her essential medicines and even the oxygen she needed.”

This heart-wrenching revelation has struck a chord with hundreds of users on social media who have reacted with empathy and support for Morales. Many shared their similar experiences, expressing their frustrations with the government and offering words of encouragement to the brave journalist.

One user commented, “My God, the same thing happened to my father. Damn this government! But remember, God is with you, and you have thousands of people who admire and support you. You are brave, and we stand by you.”

Echoing the sentiment, another user wrote, “I love you, I admire you, and I support you. Your mother is in a good place and continues to watch over you as she always did. It’s heartbreaking that we have no one to complain to or seek justice from. May God bless you and shed light on your mother’s path.”

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Morales, deeply moved by the overwhelming response, expressed his gratitude to his supporters. He declared, “Thank you for your unwavering support. Your love and encouragement mean the world to me. With my mother gone, I have nothing more to lose, but I will fight for what I believe in. Cuba is like a second mother to me.”

As Yunior Morales continues to face censorship and harassment from the regime, his bravery and determination to preserve his values serve as an inspiration to all who strive for freedom of speech and justice on the island.

(Note: This article is based on the given content. No additional information is available.)

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