Home » Details of the murder of Gordana near Leskovac | Info

Details of the murder of Gordana near Leskovac | Info

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Details of the murder of Gordana near Leskovac |  Info

Saša I. from Leskovac, who is suspected of killing Gordana D., went to buy cigarettes after the crime.

Izvor: Facebook/Screenshot

The crime, let’s recall, happened on Friday, April 21, at around 8 pm in the house of Gordana’s employer, whom she cared for and for whom she cooked and cleaned his home. Suspected of murder, Saša I. reported himself to the police. As it turns out, he is a former prisoner. According to neighbors, the suspect first started slapping Gordan, then punched and kicked him.

“I guess he took some object and hit her on the head. Zverski defended herself, but he was stronger than her and she didn’t manage to escape him. He then took a knife from the kitchen and started stabbing her in the back and stomach area. He stabbed her at least three times“, said one neighbor.

Gordana allegedly fell on the floor in the middle of the house. “When he saw what he had done, he fell to his knees beside her, then got up and went to the bathroom to wash his hands, which were bloody up to the elbows. He left Gordana lying in a pool of blood and allegedly covered him with some things that were in the living room“, say the neighbors.

The owner of the house was outside the room where the crime took place. “The man almost fainted when he saw that Gordana was lying on the floor, and Saša called the police and told them what happened. Then he left the house and went to a local store where, while buying cigarettes, he told the saleswoman and a customer that he had killed Gordana.“, say the goats.

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According to locals, Saša then returned to the house where he killed the victim and waited for the police. “He sat and waited for the police, and when they came, he calmly held out his hands and they took him away. Emergency doctors could only state the death of the victim“, they say.

Saša I. was in prison before, where he spent more than a decade for murdering a man on the border of BiH and Croatia, and he was also behind bars for drugs. The unhappy woman reported the abuser several times, but each time she eventually gave up on the report.


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