Home » Dialogue between the US and China, Burns was in Beijing (like Musk and Dimon)

Dialogue between the US and China, Burns was in Beijing (like Musk and Dimon)

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Dialogue between the US and China, Burns was in Beijing (like Musk and Dimon)

After signs of thaw between Beijing and Washington in recent weeks, the director of the CIA, William Burnswas in China in May, on a secret visit that comes as tensions between the two countries are apparently rising. He brought it back Financial Times citing some sources, according to which Burns met Chinese intelligence officials during his visit.

The same City newspaper also recalled that in the last few days there have been two other important “diplomatic” missions, even if organized and implemented by US economic and financial players, not by politicians or administration representatives.

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On the one hand, in fact, the visionary entrepreneur Elon Musk, richest man in the world number 1 of Tesla and now also owner of Twitter, who recently favored the launch of Ron De Santis’s Republican candidacy for the presidency from his account, met Chinese public authorities at ministerial level in recent days in China.

A similar argument applies to the initiative put in place by the number 1 of JP Morgan, the banker Jamie Dimon, fresh “savior” of the bank First Republic Bank, landed in Shanghai, where on Wednesday he met representatives of the Chinese government and business community.

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Dimon’s activism in US finance, but also in international politics is getting noticed, so much so that Gillian Tett, chair of the editorial board and editor at large of the FT, has come to ask itself the question of whether it is possible to consider the hypothesis of a run by Dimon himself to the White House as credible. To then answer, for now, no.

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