Home » Former US ambassador Glendon: “He was a great theologian who also knew how to dialogue with the laity. And he understood the connection between reason and faith ”

Former US ambassador Glendon: “He was a great theologian who also knew how to dialogue with the laity. And he understood the connection between reason and faith ”

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Former US ambassador Glendon: “He was a great theologian who also knew how to dialogue with the laity.  And he understood the connection between reason and faith ”

“Now we need a saint, capable of relaunching the role of the Church together as Mater et Magistra”. This is the path indicated by Harvard jurist Mary Ann Glendon, American ambassador to the Holy See during Benedict’s pontificate, but also former president of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

What do you remember about your personal relationship with Pope Ratzinger?
“The private conversation, when I presented him with credentials. He was one of the great theologians of our time, but as pontiff he also surprised us with his ability to address secular auditoriums such as the White House, the Elysium or Westminster. When he came to the United States, the president went to meet him at the airport. Since he had never done it before, a staff member asked him the reason for the exception. Bush replied as follows: “Simple, because he is the greatest spiritual leader in the world“.

Was it a spiritual or political convergence?
“Many at the time speculated that Bush was contemplating converting to Catholicism, but the link was based on a key theme of Benedict’s: the contrast between positive secularism, which recognizes the value of religion, and negative, hostile secularism. The United States was a model of the first concept, where the separation of Church and State aimed above all at preserving the cultural and moral support of the faith for democratic society.Benedict, however, understood that this model was also threatened by us, and he came to encourage the Americans not to give up on this element of inspiration for the whole world“.

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What struck you most about your visit to the US?
“The speech at the UN, where he had the courage to speak of the many pathologies that afflict the great project of human rights, manipulated in modern times”.
After 9/11, Regensburg generated controversy about Islam.
“It was a problem of understanding. He had quoted a person who had said provocative things about Islam in the 14th century, clarifying that they were not his views. The point of the speech was the need for a faith influenced by reason, and reason influenced by faith. Bad things happen when they separate.”

The Church is experiencing a moment of transformation, towards what future?
“Since the Second Vatican Council onwards, all the popes have struggled with the problem of leading the Church in a post-Christian and post-modern society. John Paul II and Benedict XVI have advanced the spirit of the Council, in continuity with the past. Their strength, however, it was the handling of the Church’s internal problems, such as the financial and sexual scandals, that led to Ratzinger’s resignation. So Francis had to devote a large part of his pontificate to addressing these pathologies”.

Was it effective?
“I chaired the Commission on American lawsuits against the Holy See and served on the board of the IOR. The direction is right on sex scandals, but financial scandals will take longer. We don’t know all the details and there is an ongoing process They have deep and complex roots, destroying is much easier than rebuilding”.
Some American Catholics say that on theology we need to return to Benedict’s clarity.
“The theological challenge for the Church is to be a mother, who takes care of the weakest, but also a teacher, to advance the spirit of the Council while maintaining continuity with traditional values ​​and preaching the Gospel in a way that modern men and women can understand”.

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Some in the US say they are confused by Bergoglio.
“Francis emphasized the role of Mater, showing compassion for people in material and moral distress, but de-emphasized the role of Magistra.”

Should we go back?
“I think both things are needed. The Church needs a saint capable of making her Mater et Magistra”.

Many simplify the question in the diversity between the conservative Ratzinger and the liberal Bergoglio.
“Catholics must reject these categorizations, because they do not apply to the way we see the world. The challenge for the Church has always been to witness Christ’s message, but in the 21st century it is how to make this message always new and present for the next

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