Home » “I Jj4 would shoot it down tomorrow morning”: Fugatti insists. The Trentino Fdi exponent: “We against killing, politics does not act from the gut”

“I Jj4 would shoot it down tomorrow morning”: Fugatti insists. The Trentino Fdi exponent: “We against killing, politics does not act from the gut”

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“I Jj4 would shoot it down tomorrow morning”: Fugatti insists.  The Trentino Fdi exponent: “We against killing, politics does not act from the gut”

“Io Jj4 I would shoot it down tomorrow morning“. To say it is the president of the Province of Trento, the Northern League Maurizio Fugattiduring a speech, last Saturday, at the Political Training School of the Lega. The passage in which Fugatti expresses this concept, in reality, concerned the whole question of bears in Trentino. “The problem is not her (Jj4, ndr) but the approximately 70 bears in excess that there are in the area compared to the original project. In Trentino there are over 100 and they have not moved to other regions” explains Fugatti. “I know that the issue is very divisive outside Trentino – remarked the Trentino president – ​​instead there it unites us a lot in our region. The Trentino people are very united on this, it is right that the others ask themselves why “. Fugatti recalls the death of the amateur runner Andrea Papi “dead because attacked by a bear, after seven, eight attacks on people, sorry to say but we knew it would happen, because there was no will and we always reasoned in ideological terms”. “The problem – continues the president of the Province of Trento – is the coexistence that the Trentino people have with bears, there is a risk to safety of people – he continued -. From the institutions I don’t expect them to find a place for JJ4 but for the bears that they are in excess, so you take the problem seriously. Otherwise the project is doomed to fail. Otherwise let’s save JJ4 and in 2030 we will be a 170 bears and then to 200, and then we will count the attacks”. Fugatti has apparently not spent a single word on the deficiencies of the administrative and political management of the bears, which have emerged in recent weeks and, moreover, underlined precisely by Papi’s family members. In short, the governor’s conclusion is that “it is no longer acceptable balance man and animal with the numbers that exist, either we find a place to move these animals or we have to do as they do all over the world – concluded Fugatti -, where dangerous bears kill them as soon as they attack a person and a selection is made for those in excess . The Trentino he cannot distort his mountains and change his approach to life because there are bears“.

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In reality, the fact that the divisions are only “outside Trentino” as Fugatti says does not seem carved in marble. Today at Corriere della Sera spoke Frances Gerosa, a member of the Brothers of Italy that his party would like as an alternative candidate to Fugatti to lead the center-right in the next local elections. “Knowing down a she-bear, now harmless and locked up, for which alternative solutions are already being sought, is useless – he says – it will not give us Andrea back, it will not alleviate the pain of our community or that of his family and it will not make Trentino more Safe. Instead, I believe that it is necessary to prevent other tragic events together, without ideological opposition and without chasing scapegoats”. She too, like Fugatti, wants a different management of bears, but she is against culling. And the situation moves from the merits to the political question: “As Brothers of Italy we have given the governor our availability, which he however did not want to take – further underlines al Courier the representative of Fdi – Politics he cannot act on his stomach, weighted choices are needed, discussed with all the stakeholders and with the technicians. From here, from the conviction that we all have to do something, my initiative to set up a provincial table for work and discussion with experts and categories, open and dynamic in membership”. The first meeting was held a few days ago in the presence of Lav, Wwf, Flag, vets and with contributions from hoteliers.

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Meanwhile, today about 150 people have manifested a Sabbionara by Avio, in the town of Fugatti. The event was organized by the European Animal Rights Party together with other associations. Previously similar sit-ins were held in front of the Provincial Palace a Trento and al Casteller wildlife centrewhere they are locked up Jj4 and other specimens such as M49 (said Papillon). Some representatives of the provincial council have expressed solidarity with Fugatti.

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